The Upper Owens is flowing at a very clear and cool flow of 85 cfs. Some big spawners are showing up as in past years. As you walk the banks have a look into the water to see what is getting spooked from under the banks. As a bonis a great BWO hatch comes off in the afternoon with some great fish willing to take a well placed fly pattern. Weather has been sunny xand comfortable with a few squalls passing through here and there. For flies use Streamers of all sorts sunk down deep in the holes and along the banks. Nymph patterns include ; Green Caddis worms #16-18, SJ worm patterns #8-12, RS2’s and other Baetis emergers in #18-20. For the hatch a well placed BWO adult on 5-6x tippet will yield a decent dry fly angler a good number of fish.