The Upper Owens is a dynamic system, with flows just over 100cfs and great water clarity the Upper O is a fine place to pass a day! Most of the 20″plus fish seem to be hiding or have gone back down to their origin of Crowley lake. What is swimming in the Upper Owens is a full finned, good sized 12-18″ trout that wants a finely placed fly in the proper pattern. A BWO hatch comes off in the afternoon with good responses from the resident trout! Thorax, Parachute and Cut-Wing BWO patterns in #16-20 will serve the fly angler well at this time. Nymphing will take most fish throughout the entire day. SJ Worms #12-16, All sorts of Caddis Worms #14-18, Flash Back PT’s, Robo and Poxy Back PT’s and various Pheasant Tail patterns and Baetis Emerger patterns in #16-20 are some designs that have served us well recently. Pick your favorite streamer, sink it down and give It a strip to change it up a bit!