The Lower Owens flows are staying as low as most people have seen for this time of year! At 195cfs the fishing is as good as I have seen it on the Lower O! In the early mornings and evenings the Amiocentrus caddis are getting eaten all over the surface.. If you want dry fly action show up at these times..Use small Elk Hare Caddis and turkey wing caddis, Hot Creek style partridge caddis are also getting eaten if you can see them at a distance… In between hatches various caddis pupa patterns and standard mayfly patterns are getting chomped. Once again for nymphing use Tiger and Zebra midges in greens and darker colours.. Fox’s poopah and z-wing patterns are also taking fish all day long…Standard PT’s, Robos, and Prince nymphs are getting eaten regularly….. At these flows we have seen some really nice EW style fish coming out of the Lower O right here in BISHOP!!! A must to fish right now!!