Less potent storms have been pelting the Bishop /Mammoth areas for the last week.. This has changed nothing on the river. Flows, Fish and decent water clarity remain stable. Access is about the same as before. With the right Temps snow can be very hard in the morning making walking very easy, be careful if it warms up and softens the snow, this will make walking out an amazing workout to say the least. But very worth it! For those who do not want to walk.. Call the shop for options. Attractor nymphs in larger sizes take most of these fish. Our main fish extractor (very popular with the bug trout) the Tungsten Jig Head Soft Hackle patterns we have had in the shop for years is still in of our many star flies we use out there. There’s something very nice about sticking to actual hand tied flies with equal success as the guys throwing rubber egg patterns. We can fish over the waters where the Anglers have been throwing egg after egg and take fish out right behind them. So much more satisfying and effective to stick to real flies. Streamers fished with tenacity will also take fish. A sinking or floating line will work in this case depending on your streamer technique. Call us now to get in on this amazing world class fishery.