Snow has Melted on the Upper Owens River making it accessible to 4×4 and All wheel drive vehicles. The main road is in great condition.. The feeder roads to the river are the ones you could have problems on… Forcing you to remain on the Upper Owens River lot longer than you anticipated as you sink to your axles in mud….. . Water is higher, yet clear, and fish are still here as much as ever. Today we came across an isolated pod of large picky Trout rising to an afternoon Caddis hatch. It only happened in a very small section of the river but was absolutely amazing to fish. Of course, nymphs will do the job 95% of the time with the same patterns still getting major attention from fish. These fish are still acting like running steelhead rather than ordinary bug – eating Trout. Streamers for big fish? Of course! It’s just takes a bit more work and casting tenacity with the slinging arm to get the job done..