The Lower has gone up and down and been cloudy to somewhat clear in a matter of a few days. That being said it is still the place to go for classic wild Brown and Rainbow trout fly fishing! Flows are healthy at 297 cfs… Yes, this is runoff time and it is high. Yet very walk and wadeable if one only throws some caution before stepping in. The same flies are still happening with an rising amout of Caddis being seen, of course there are Mayflies and some Midge activity. Most of the Trouts stomachs of the Lower Owens when pumped are full of Rockworms, with an occasional Yellow Sallie Stone Fly nymph, some Baetis, and a few Midge Larvae scattered in the mix. This could be the time when the Trout of the Lower Owens start to look up and realize there is food indeed on top! Consistently!