Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing Report : Upper Owens River – 2.23.17
Less potent storms have been pelting the Bishop /Mammoth areas for the last week.. This has changed nothing on the river. Flows, Fish and decent water clarity remain stable. Access is about the same as before. With the right Temps snow can be very hard in the morning making walking very easy, be careful if it warms up and softens the snow, this will make walking out an amazing workout to say the least. But very worth it! For those who do not want to walk.. Call the shop for options. Attractor nymphs in larger sizes take most of these fish. Our main fish extractor (very popular with the bug trout) the Tungsten Jig Head Soft Hackle patterns we have had in the shop for years is still in of our many star flies we use out there. There’s something very nice about sticking to actual hand tied flies with equal success as the guys throwing rubber egg patterns. We can fish over the waters where the Anglers have been throwing egg after egg and take fish out right behind them. So much more satisfying and effective to stick to real flies. Streamers fished with tenacity will also take fish. A sinking or floating line will work in this case depending on your streamer technique. Call us now to get in on this amazing world class fishery.

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes CA – 2.15.17
The Upper Owens River is meandering thru is snow covered meadows at a rate of 70cfs until Hot Creek runs in and adds around 50+cfs… The change is not as noticeable as it would seem as far as river access and general fishability. Fish are found in most holes, runs, cuts, and deep riffles from the bridge to as far up as you want to go. Snow levels have dropped dramatically from my last report and the included photos will reflect that. We have been walking in, and taking sleds (snowmobiles) in as well when needed. The mornings have been cooler and freezing the snow rock hard for easy access and unlimited walking ability. It hasn’t happened recently but if it warms up too quickly the snow can become soft and it be a pain to walk out if you choose that route. Some days there will be a fair amount of people and some days you will have it all to yourself. There is no Rhyme or Reason to this but generally more are seen on the weekends. Fish the same patterns as mentioned in my last report; large attractors, spawning colored egg patterns, and various types of SJ Worms in larger sizes to extract these awesome fish! Call the shop for more info

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop CA – 2.15.17
After the last series of rains the flows on the Lower Owens River are up to 250cfs of what is now slightly off colour water. These flows are slightly on the higher side and wading must be done carefully. Just don’t step where you can’t see! Not much has changed since my last report by the way of fishing. Some days the fish are out. Some days we hook up. The hatch really hasn’t started like we like it to. One storm after another with a highly fluctuating barometer can lead to erradic fishing. Fish my same patterns as mentioned in my last report.

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes CA – 2.6.17
The Upper Owens River Fly Fishing has been pretty great! Tons of snow fell on the Upper Owens River access sites making this snowmobile or foot access only. The river is slowly thawing above the upper Hot Creek confluence. Fishing has been awesome for size of fish in an amazing setting in a small stream meandering through a snowy high plain. This is some of the finest fishing a dedicated fly angler can find in the world. Pick the deepest and darkest runs, deep riffles, and pools to strategically place your offerings in. Step up the pound test of your Tippett and tie on some large Attractor patterns. Think of it as kinda a steelhead/Trout fishing so throw some spawning colours in there! 🙂

STM Guide Seth spends his days off extracting big fish out of the Upper Owens River… Looking at his smile I think that made his day!

Hot Creek Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes CA – 2.6.17
Hot Creek is not plowed past the hatchery entrance. Sleds, snowshoes, or good old hiking will put you on some hungry Trout. Although a recently stocked fishery, it’s some good fun. Throw a variety of winter patterns at these guys. Caddis Baetis and Midge Larvae, Emergers and Adults.. #18-22

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop CA – 2.6.17
The Lower Owens River Fly Fishing has been very interesting with the passing of all the great precipitation heavy storms. Flows are up to an awesome fishable level of around 190cfs. Wading is only a little more difficult at these flows, but very good for the fish as they can move about the river more securely and don’t spook as easy while having more volume of food flowing by them! This being said the fish can be very picky one minute or day, and willing to give it a go the next minute or day, depending on the weather and many environmental factors.
Soft Hackles, Robo PT’s, FB PT’s, Czech nymphs, and the like have been working as attractors. Fish these in sizes #14-#18. Midge Larvae, Midge Emergers, Baetis emergers and Baetis nymphs are the smaller patterns. Fish these in Sizes #18-22. Some dry Fly action can be found randomly throughout the river system. Have a variety of BWO patterns as well as Midges and Caddis adults.
Lower Owens River Fly Fishing : Bishop CA – 12.7.16
Lower Owens River fly fishing continues to be a very rewarding fly fishing experience for some of the most beautiful, and wild Brown Trout you will ever see. Flows are low and clear and wading is very easy to figure out. Mayflies make their appearance in the warmer parts of the day throughout the river system. If your lucky you will be in an are where the fish deem it worthy to rise to the surface and pluck the unsuspecting, sexually mature bugs from the surface. For bugs concentrate on, of course, Midges, Baetis, and Caddis .. in that order as well.. for now. Trace has been tying up some great Midge Larvae and Midge Emergers with a little shuck that have been downright fooling the fish. Green Caddis Worms, Emerging Caddis, and larger PT variations fish well above a small Midge or Baetis Emerger. RS2’s have also been a choice out of the box recently.