Crowley Lake Fly Fishing : Mammoth Lakes CA – 9.15.16

Crowley has been excellent for us with lots of Trout of all types and sizes…  Of course lots of Cutthroat, Bows and possible Big Browns.  Fishing has been the best in the North Arm recently in around 12-16 feet of water.  Grey’s,  Blacks,  and some Maroon variations of emerging Chironomids have been on the diet still! Crowley Buzzers we have here at the shop are the perfect flies with a strong gapped hook. The rest of September should be amazing.  

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing – Bishop CA : 8.26.16

The Lower Owens River Fly Fishing has returned to excellent as the flows have dropped to an amazing 225 cfs of flow! Dry Fly action is noted with some hoppers and stimulators bringing up fish.  Well placed nymphs will always take fish here.  Fish the patterns mentioned in previous reports.  Green Caddis Worms,  and PT variants are getting eaten regularly.  Stay tuned for much more here on the Lower O! 

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing : Mammoth Lakes CA – 8.14.16

The Upper Owens River is low but flowing healthy and cool.  Deep runs and holes without visible  bottom hold the fish.  Some terrestrial action can be found.  Fish beetles and hoppers, and maybe some bigger ants.  Buggers,  of course,  will always take fish when presented correctly.  Standard Attractor patterns under the water as nymphs will get you Trout most of the day.  Green Caddis Worms,  Princes,  Pheasant Tails, and Robos and the like fished in sizes  #16-20 will take fish.  Sporadic hatches can also be experienced throughout the day.  

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing : Bishop CA – 8.14.16

The Lower Owens River has been very good to us this summer…  We actually have a healthy runoff forcing more food down the river.  Beautiful Browns are being extracted by the experienced angler as well as beginners under a watchful eye alike.  Sporadic Caddis and Mayfly patterns can be found and fished while the Trout are looking up.  Lots of Caddis are being eaten under the water.  Rockworm  imitations seem to be the preference of the Trout right now.  Standard Midge patterns,  Pheasant Tails,  and Robos in sizes #14-18 are taking fish.  Streamers pulled from the opposite bank will raise some of the nicer fish in the river system.  

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes CA – 7.6.16

​Crowley has been producing a great variety of Trout sizes and species recently!  What’s new? Throughout the Lakes usual haunts and favorite holes many large Trout are being extracted in good numbers.  Browns, Rainbows, and Lahonton Cutthroat are the beautiful trophies rhe Lake provides.  We haven’t fished deeper than 19 ft or less than 13ft this season.  Watch the indicator here seems to be the usual story.  Stare it it for an hour,  take a seat and look back up to see your indicator coming up from the depths….   you could  of just missed the Trout of a lifetime!!!! Fish the same flies as mentioned in previous reports 6″ to 3ft off the bottom.  

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing, Bishop Fly Fishing, Mammoth Lakes CA fly fishing guide

First timer goes big on Crowley

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing Report: Mammoth Lakes CA – 7.3.16

Crowley has been producing a great variety of Trout recently!  What’s new! Throughout the Lakes usual haunts and favorite holes many large Trout are being extracted in good numbers.  Browns, Rainbows, and Lahonton Cutthroat are the beautiful trophies rhe Lake provides.  We haven’t fished deeper than 19 ft or less than 13ft this season.  Watch the indicator here seems to be the usual story.  Stare it it for an hour,  take a seat and look back up to see your indicator coming up from the depths….   you could  of just missed the Trout of a lifetime!!!! Fish the same flies as mentioned in previous reports 6″ to 3ft off the bottom.  

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop CA – 7.3.16

The Lower Owens River Fly Fishing is great as usual!  Very healthy flows this year are stimulating the river in many ways.More volume for fish to move in,  and more food transported! Dry Fly action has been consistently good with Caddis,  MayFlies, an lots of small Stimulator type patterns.  A sporadic PMD emergence can be seen throughout the river system.  If you spend a full day out here you’ll most likely come across sole sort of dry Fly action.  Nymphs,  of course are good throughout pretty much the entire day.  Stop by the shop on your way thru for more details. Take out your bamboo or 3wt and smaller Fly rod and enjoy the Wild  Browns  of the Lower Owens River system!

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing : Mammoth Lakes CA- 7.3.16

The Upper Owens River Fly Fishing is decent to good right now with clear flows and good fish.  The big dogs are gone leaving us the standard 8-16″ resident fish on the Upper.  So terrestrial action is taking place if your are willing to stick with it and accept the fact that you usually may not get as many fish as nymphing.  But you will have an amazing time placing that one big Attractor dry Fly in all the usual spots an ambushing Trout would be in.  Hoppers,  Stimis,  rubber leg creations legged attractors will work here. #10-16. The usual May Fly and green Caddis Worms are one of the staples as well.  Fish these in #14-18.  Enjoy the giant green Meadow of the Upper Owens River Valley! 

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing : Bishop CA – 5.25.16

The Lower Owens River has settled on around 249cfs of sweet tailwater fishing.  We are seeing some happy,  healthy fish throughout the system.  Baetis still come out in between 11:30-2pm although it has been a little less predictable with this moisture passing thru. Sometimes it’s super think and sometimes thinner.  Overall it’s been very nice fishing weather and conditions with a lot more surface activity then we have seen in a couple of years.  Yellow Sallies have been crawling out on the banks, making them a good Nymph to fish.. We have been taking a lot of nice wild Browns on Stimulator and various Yellow Sallie type Attractor patterns.  Baetis Emergers, Caddis Worms and Emergers and Midge patterns.  Fish these is #16-20  Small stone patterns inb#14-16. We will see what the future holds with this awesome water year in the Eastern Sierra. 





Upper Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes CA – 5.25.16

The Upper Owens River surroundings are now green and lush with wildflowers scattered along its landscape.  Yes, unbelievable large large and spectacular Trout are continuing to swim in the he waters of the Upper Owens River.  Majority of them being Lahontons.  Be very care not to fish for spawning fish obviously on a nest.  There are plenty in the usual haunts such as deeper holes and dark bends with eating on their mind.  Classic Attractor patterns and streamers will take these fish.  SJ worms, ham and eggs,  princes,  big soft hackles and the like will get attention here.  Experiencing this is a precious unique thing to experience,  I’m sure every savvy Fly angler will treat it that way. 




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