Slo motion Caddis strikes – Lower Owens River – March 2015
Big Splashy hits! The Caddis are out on the Lower Owens River! Here is some fishing action where the fly gets eaten and the fish caught!
Big Splashy hits! The Caddis are out on the Lower Owens River! Here is some fishing action where the fly gets eaten and the fish caught!
Watch Closely for all the rising and jumping Trout!
The Lower Owens River is now fishing as well as it does anytime of the year! BWO dry Fly surface action is the name of the game right now!! Around noon a solid, almost River wide Baetis hatch goes off with the average size being #18. Some #16’s also work perfectly depending on the pattern. Water is low and clear and the fish are settled into their comfortable holds. With the clear and low water wading is very easy and comfortable. Check out my video I’ll post after this of wild Browns frenzied on the surface gorging themselves on dry flies!!
The Upper Owens River continues to flow around the same velocity as my last reports. Clarity is similar and temperature is up a few degrees into the fifties. Large Trout are still coming to hand. Most days are dreamy and sun filled on the Upper Owens this February. Actual numbers of fish seem to be up with smaller residents also trying their luck on eating well placed flies. Throughout the system in the deepest and obvious big fish lies the tenacious Angler will bright a unlikely large Rainbow Trout to hand. The same Fly patterns hold… It seems as if we are also using a wider variety of flies as spring draws in. SJ worms are still always on the menu, lots of green Caddis, soft hackles, and small stones all in #10-18 are bringing the 4+lbers to the net!
Had some amazing fun this weekend with a gentleman of a popular saltwater fly fishing guide Jeff Priest. On this day we started at 4:30 am and we were extracting Calico and Sand Bass by 4:50! The tug is strong and fish pull hard for cover of the rocks… Great day over the water and good company with fish to top it off.
The Lower Owens has pretty much been fishing great! Water is low and clear and the Wild fish are fully at home in the low water environment. Some Dry Fly action is definitely happening through the river system all throughout the day. The 12 o’clock hatch still happens but not nearly as consistent. Overall there is More dry Fly activity since my last report throughout the entire River system. Various Baetis patterns; Bubbleback Emergers, CDC case Emergers all in #16-20, Caddis Worms #14-16, and various Midge patterns are all taking fish all day. Look for more dry Fly action here in the next few weeks and months.
The Upper Owens has experienced some slow days and some fair days. For the most part has been pretty consistent I’m showing us it’s potential by giving up large winter Trout to the experienced Fly angler. The fish continue to be throughout the system, of course the big and dark slow holes usually hold the big fish. These trout seem to eat pretty consistently throughout the day into the early afternoon. Don’t expect a bunch of fish here, expect to catch the fish of a season or the fish of a. lifetime for some! Fish the usual patterns and don’t be afraid to be creative and try something out of the box. SJ Worms, Copper Johns in various sizes, Princes, Soft hackles, Ect.
The Day changes when the hook is set and five pounds of trout breaks the surface of the water!
STM Fly Fishing icon Sam the yellow lab gives some vocal advice to client while nymphing.
Posted by STM Fly Fishing – Bishop CA