Best Lakes To Fish California

Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing : Hot Creek – July 7, 2013

Hot Creek is low and still cool and nevertheless fishing very well.  There are weeds, yes,  there is also a ton of fish that are always there and are still there! Caddis and Tricos seem to be the ticket on the surface as dry fly action can be found in almost every bend and run throughout the day.  We hope for dry fly fishing when Hot Creek is this low and weedy.  It is also the time of year for large bugs to be blown into Hot Creek making fishing with large attractor patterns successful.  #12-14 Fat Alberts and Foam and parachute hopper patterns #10-14 are just  a few examples.  For the small bugs try something like Thorax Tricos and CDC Tricos in #20-22, Small Henrys Fork and Hot Creek caddis #18-20, Fertile Caddis #20. Trico emergers and midge emergers in #18-22 are a couple of patterns that will take fish under the water on a short nymph rig where you  find a weed free nymphing spot. 




Best Trout Fishing Near

Bishop Fly Fishing : Lower Owens River – 5.21.13

The gem of the Eastern Sierra the Lower Owens River has been showing us some fine examples of wild Brown Trout! Flows are up a bit which is seasonal. Caddis are slowly showing themselves with some larger larvae on the move and good sized adult specimens coming out in the evening. We also have Yellow Sallies making an appearance under and above the surface of the water. This can lead to some great fishing during the day when the sun is out. Use the same patterns as suggested in my last report with lots of Caddis and Baetis. But also use some Yellow Sally nymphs ; oversized Copper Jons and Small light Stone nymphs in #12-14 are taking fish when fished as a top fly!






Best Trout Fishing Near Mammoth Lakes

Bishop Fly Fishing : Lower Owens River – 5.9.13

The Lower Owens continues to fish very well with a clear and healthy flow of 247 cfs at the writing of this report. Caddis are moving around and more,  action is still increased on caddis larvae patterns and surface activity. The entire river system seems to be producing fish for most anglers using the correct patterns. We look for the flows to stay around this area as we have a weak runoff so far this year. #14-16 green caddis emergers and worms and Baetis and Midge emergers in #18-20. (BB emergers, RS2’s, Ticket, ect.)






Trout Fishing Near Mammoth Lakes

Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing : Crowley Lake – 5.1.13

Crowley lake is open and already living up to its reputation! Water at this moment is very clear for Crowley with low water levels, yet higher leveles than the closing time last year of mid- November. Fish are healthy, scrappy, and fat and  appear to be near their same hidouts as last year. Lots of Perch are also being caught of good size. The  Sac Perch always welcome to mix things up with a decent tug for their size. The channels, points, and spring areas will always be the things to look for here, its just which one at what time… Different configurations of Crowley style Chironomids in #10-14 are working well. Blacks and Greys with Gold, Red and Silver wrap combinations are working with various colours of bead heads. The majority of the fish tend to be in around 9-14 feet of water consistently.  Crowley will prove to be a great fishery that every angler should try when visiting the Eastern Sierra.   Stay tuned for many more surprises from this Eastern Sierra Fishery.



Best Trout Fishing Near Mammoth Lakes

Bishop Fly Fishing : Lower Owens River – 4.23.13

The Lower Owens River is flowing at a low-medium clear flow of 230 cfs at the time of this writing. A couple of things have changed since the last report;  there is more dry fly action to be found on BWO’s and a few Caddis in the evenings,  and fish are hitting more on the Caddis under the water as well as they see them moving around more. Be sure to have those patterns on hand in 16 -18 on Caddis worms and dries as well sizes 16-18 For all BWO Baetis patterns. We look for these to get thicker and river-wide as the water might stay fishable low for some time to come.





Bishop Fly Fishing

Mammoth Fly Fishing : Upper Owens River – 4.17.13

The Upper Owens is a dynamic system, with flows just over 100cfs and great water clarity the Upper O is a fine place to pass a day! Most of the 20″plus fish seem to be hiding or have gone back down to their origin of Crowley lake. What is swimming in the Upper Owens is a full finned, good sized 12-18″ trout that wants a finely placed fly in the proper pattern. A BWO hatch comes off in the afternoon with good responses from the resident trout! Thorax, Parachute and Cut-Wing BWO patterns in #16-20 will serve the fly angler well at this time. Nymphing will take most fish throughout the entire day. SJ Worms #12-16, All sorts of Caddis Worms #14-18, Flash Back PT’s, Robo and Poxy Back PT’s and various Pheasant Tail patterns and Baetis Emerger patterns in #16-20 are some designs that have served us well recently.  Pick your favorite streamer, sink it down and give It a strip to change it up a bit!


Bishop Fly Fishing

Bishop Fly Fishing : Lower Owens River – April 9, 2013

The Lower Owens is flowing at a great rate of 220 cfs at the writing on this report. Water temps are rising and fish are very active. The entire system seems to be fishing well but the dry fly fishing in the first couple of miles below the dam is very strong somedays. There are still BWO’s of a larger variety, usually #16-#18. Most well placed traditional Baetis patterns will fool these fish, although it may take quite a few fasts before the trout takes your fly over another. This is where is pays off to be very accurate! Accuracy to pick out an individual trout in his lane will yield more fish with fewer casts. Midges and Caddis have been out as well and have been being eaten on the surface by the trout, but they are not as predictable as the early afternoon BWO hatch.  Nymphs are taking fish all day long in good numbers when the trout are not rising. CDC case BWO emergers, Bubble backs, Trigger BWO nymph patterns,  RS’ S and the like in numbers #16-18 will all take fish.. T-Midges and various midge patterns in #18-20 are also patterns one must have in the Lower Owens Box at the moment.


Bishop Fly Fishing Guide

Bridgeport Fly Fishing : East Walker River – April 9, 2013

The East Walker is still flowing low yet appears to be quite healthy and in good shape. Fish are nice sized and the average size of the fish is definitely up a bit from a few months ago. The same flies are still in play such as ; Flashbang Midges, T-Midges, Disco Midges and Emerging Midge patterns in sizes #18-20. Small Mayfly patterns such as WD-40’s and Thorax Baetis and similar patterns in #’s 18-20 will all get you in the game. For the upper fly the good old SJ Worm, Big green caddis worm or Large Frenchy type worms  in #6-14 are just a few suggestions for the East Walker. Of course streamer patterns of all sorts fish tight and true will get some big fish moving here. This stream should only get better as springtime rolls in! I will leave you all with this photo to remind you how East Walker Trout can be!! Stay tuned


Mammoth Fly Fishing : Upper Owens River – April 9, 2013

A few large fish remain here. They are difficult to find and hard to catch but there is a chance! The regular bows are active and throughout the system. Access is good with little mud, watch for muddy patches whilst leaving in the afternoon.  Mostly the same fly patterns still apply when tossed into the larger holes and runs. Large and medium sized Caddis worm patterns #14-18, Baetis nymphs and Emergers (bubble backs, triggers ect.) #16-20, Soft hackles #16-18, Prince Nymphs of various styles #16-18.   For dries various BWO patterns and Elk hair Caddis and other similar patterns are working well when fish are on the surface in numbers #16-20.

Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing : Hot Creek – April 9, 2013

With its great fish population Hot Creek always has willing trout throughout the day. Even though it is still flowing low and slow,  hatches have been coming out in various spots of the stream, not quite a streamwide phenomenon yet. In some places the hatch seems to kast a good while and yet in others it last 15 minutes to half an hour. Of course, light nymphing is very successful.  Thorax Baetis #18-22, Small PT variations #18-22, T-Midges in darker shades #18-22 and various other slim Baetis and Midge imitations will take these highly selective fish. Dries; Small BWO patterns traditional and modern (thorax dry BWO, cut wing patterns, CDC patterns) in #’s 18-22. Crystal Midges and foam Midge emergers and the like in #’s 18-20 are samples of flies that have been working for us.

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