Bishop Fly Fishing : Lower Owens River – 10.11.11

The Lower Owens is flowing at a very high rate of over 500cfs! Few spots are fishable if you know where and how to enter the water. Slow foam lines will yield fish when nymphed deep off an indicator or with a tight line czech style. Trico clouds are seen early morning with little response from the fish on top. Under the water the fish are gorging on the emerging nymphs. RS2 Tricos, and Grey RS2s are being eaten in sizes #18-22. Hares Ears, PT’s, Trigger nymphs and Robo PT’s will also get fish. Extreme caution when wading here!

Lower Owens Brown Trout fly fishing in high water

Jim C. Proudly displays his first wild brown on the fly!

Bridgeport Fly Fishing: East Walker River – 9.8.11

The East Walker is flowing at a modest 356 cubic feet a second. Water is in the low 60’s and fish are hungry and selective! Fishing early pays off as there is less traffic and fish are more willing. Fish will come up to large attractor patterns in the right spots depending on the mood of the fish. Streamers thrown in the correct holes with the right action will take aggressive browns, though, it has not been consistent on the big meat. Nymphing deep seems to be where it is at this point. Cool nights will quickly move the river to consistent streamer action which will be reflected in this report immediately! Poly wing Emergers #18-20, T-Midge Emergers #18-22, Grey Biot Midges #16-20, Miracle Nymphs #18, Ticket in Green #18, Ascending Caddis #16-20 and RS2 Trico Emergers #20 -22. Also WD-40’s in Olive and Greys in #’s 18-20 are also great flies to have in your East Walker arsenal. Stay tuned and this fishery cools down and the fishing heats up!


Mammoth Fly Fishing: Upper Owens River – 9.8.11



Upper Owens Fly Fishing Class

The Upper Owens is a great destination for any fly angler looking for a great day on the water. The news here is the successful hopper fishing one is able to find. With her meandering banks and brush less back casts the Upper Owens is a true pleasure to fish with these terrestrial insects. Hoppers in sizes #12-14 in yellows and tans can be fished with confidence in the riffles of the Upper O. Meanwhile, smaller fish are coming up to small caddis here and there on the entire river, these can be fished to and caught, but, like I said they are small… Nymphing can take fish all day and the same patterns still apply. Nymphs in all shades of greens have been getting attention recently. Now is the time of year to start seeing some large fish moving up out of Crowley lake and into the sleek curves of the Upper O. It is truly a great thing that the Upper Owens river flows into the fish trap of Crowley lake. Stay tuned for much more on this great river.

Bishop Fly Fishing: Lower Owens River – 9.8.11

Lower Owens River Brown Trout Fly Fishing

Early Sept. LO Brown

The Lower Owens is flowing at 400cfs and  continues to be a producer of very fine and wild brown trout. Hatches continue in the evening time after the sun goes down and gets thick in the last 1/2 hour right before dark with fish responding well! The same patterns have been taking fish as in my last report with a few less PMD’s making an appearance over the water. A few tricos can be seen emerging with the caddis throughout the day with the caddis getting thicker during the evening and on cloudy days.  Attractor patterns are always good to have as the larger fly on your nymph setups on this river. The same flies are still taking fish as the last report with the green caddis patterns taking many trout. Sparkle Caddis pupa Olive #16-18, SerenStupity Char. #18,Partridge Caddis Emergers #16-18, Bubbleback emergers #16-18, Poly wings #18-20, Purple and standard Prince Nymphs #14-18,Copper Jons in Green and Brass #16-18 and the like will take fish when put in the front of a fishes face.. On the surface in the evenings try Light Cahills, Para PMD’s, and Ext. Body Mayfly patterns sizes #16-20 depending on the size of the bugs you see out that particular evening.

Mammoth Fly Fishing: Hot Creek – 9.8.11

Hot Creek is back down to its usual low late summer flow. Weeds can be a problem to a misguided cast and a thorn in the side of some anglers. The good new is that fish are still there and eating. Hopper action is the most exciting way to take Hot Creek trout at the moment. Successfully planting your hopper in the open lanes and on the opposite bank will produce great trout visuals at the current flow rate of the river. Sometimes a dropper attached to the back of the hopper will get you more strikes but it will be harder to be accurate when fishing with a dropper dangling off the end. Under the water fish with T and Z midges #18-22, RS2’s #18-22 and Brooks Hot Creek Caddis fished wet or dry in #18-20 will take fish. Fertile Caddis and Henry’s Fork Caddis in sizes #18 -20 will take fish on the top, Hoppers and Beetles #12-16, Thorax Tricos and Baetis patterns in sizes #18-22 and good old elk hair caddis in sizes #18-22 will take fish when presented correctly. Keep a close watch on the river to be in tune with what the fish are doing while you are there.

Eastern Sierra Pack Trips : 8.10.11

Massive High Sierra Brown Trout taken on a Pack Trip!Pack trips have been popular recently with the lakes and high country streams as healthy as can be. If you have not seen it
yet we landed a HUGE brown trout on a recent trip.. 31″ and around 15lbs.. This is not the norm but a possibility on my
sierra pack trips.

Some of the Golden Trout areas I frequent are also starting to turn on with the snow finally receding
from the shaded areas of the high Sierra giving us access to some unbelievable golden and high sierra trout fishing. Call the shop for more info.

Massive High Sierra Brown Trout taken on a Pack Trip!

Massive High Sierra Brown Trout taken on a Pack Trip!

Mammoth Fly Fishing : Upper Owens – 8.10.11

The Upper Owens has recently turned on at a very nice flow of 88cfs. Clarity is perfect for fishing and hoppers are out and
getting eaten by Upper Owens trout! Not necessarily an early morning thing, fish the hoppers during the hot part of the day
when the sun is out and the hoppers are moving. Under the water fish are eating starting early, various attractor and
realistic nymphs will do the job.  including; purple and standard princes, PT’s, Lots of Copper Jons in different colours
and nice green caddis pupa patterns. Fish ALL these patterns in sizes #16-20… Streamers large and small of any sort
fished down will take larger and smaller fish alike. Small fish will be rising to various small caddis and mayflies,
nothing solid though, just here and there. Hoppers will bring the fish up from the bottom even if they are not rising. With
its miles of bends and fishable water the Upper Owens will be a destination of fly fisherman well into winter months.

August 2011 Upper Owens Trout

August 2011 Upper Owens Trout

Bishop Fly Fishing : Lower Owens River – 8.10.11

The Lower Owens has been an interesting river this summer with fluctuating flows and prime trout feeding water
temperatures. We have been fishing it every week during the day and hitting the hatch of caddis and PMD’s at the last hour
of daylight. PMD’s, Caddis and midge patterns have been doing the trick on top and below the water. Like usual, fish the
foam and slow water for success here. Dry fly action happens one to two hours before the darkness falls. Bubbleback
emergers #16-18, Poly wings #18-20, Purple and standard Prince Nymphs #14-18, Copper Jons in Green and Brass #16-18 and the
like will take fish when put in the front of a fishes face.. On the surface in the evenings try Light Cahills, Para PMD’s,
and Ext. Body Mayfly patterns sizes #16-20 depending on the size of the bugs you see out that particular evening. There is
always a spot to find rising fish in the evenings without having to enter the water. Things are green and lush, it is quite

Lower Owens Wild Brown Summer Trout

Kiras First Trout !!

Lower Owens Wild Brown Summer Trout

Max with LO wild Brown

a different experience than fishing it during the winter when all is brown and dead.

Mammoth Fly Fishing : Hot Creek – 8.10.11

Hot Creek is still high and fishing well! Tricos and Midges are happening in the morning hours. Fish can be seen rising
here and there with usual consistent action. Trico dries and RS2’s are doing the trick in sizes #20-22. Later on Baetis and  Caddis come off with an occasional PMD showing itself. At these flows holding water is a little harder to spot, on the other
hand it is less weedy with plenty of water holding fish with underwater structure under the current. Hoppers are also
getting some attention. Put the hopper on and cast and move on trying to cover the quality water to find the willing fish.
A dropper underneath with inhibit perfect casts but will generally produce more fish. T and Z midges #18-22, RS2’s #18-22
and Brooks Hot Creek Caddis fished wet or dry in #18-20 will take fish. Fertile Caddis and Henrys Fork Caddis in sizes #18
-20 will take fish on the top, Hoppers and Beetles #12-16, Thorax Tricos and Beatis patterns in sizes #18-22 and good old
elk hair caddis in sizes #18-22 will take fish when presented correctly.

Bridgeport Fly Fishing: East Walker River – 8.10.11

The East Walkers flows have been fluctuating recently but now it is down to 325cfs of very fishy water! Due to high water
the water temperature is still well within prime trout feeding temps. Some days there are quite a few people there and some
days it seems like the river is almost vacant of people. Some dry fly action can be had with various caddis and mayfly
patterns… but, to get the larger fish the E walker hold one has to fish under the water. San Juans, perch and Crayfish
patterns are a great upper fly to use on a nymph rig this time of year in sizes #12-14.. Nymph these patterns with various
midge patterns underneath. #18 Cream flash bang midges, #18 T and Z midges, Small green caddis emergers and worms #16-20,
WD-40’s and Bow Warriors in similar sizes will also take fish on the East Walker. Streamers of all sort and sizes pulled
through the water will also take fish of all sizes (usually the larger variety). Think outside the normal fishing mindset
while fishing the EW this time of year…

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