Bridgeport Fly Fishing: East Walker River – Dec. 16, 2009
The East Walker is now up to a more fishable flow of 44 cfs. The fishing remains strong, the only catch in arriving there. Since the last dumping of snow a few days ago the trip over the mountains to the East Walker takes a little while longer. The majority of the fish are holding in the slower water due to a slower metabolism from the colder winter water temperatures. One other thing; you will also be much more likely to have the river to yourself this time of year. For bug to toss at them try the usual small midges in different colours and configurations in sizes #18-22… Silver and Gold on Black TigerZebra is a good place to start. Disco and Biot Midges are also a good choice. WD-40’s and PT’s in the same sizes will also get you fish in the middle of this winter wonderland.