Lower Owens Fishing Report-8/27/08
The flows as of today dropped down to 292 cfs, this is getting more fishable each day as the night temperatures cool and the days shorten. A reliable caddis hatch has been coming off in the evening bringing up hungry fish. They are smaller in size, carry along sizes#14-20’s to be safe. Small grey bodied elkhairs, partridge caddis, hot creek caddis, and quill winged caddis patterns will take fish. The fish are really stacked in the pockets and small eddies. Like I always say “foam is home” really applies here right now. Tungsten conehead buggers or your favorite big ugly streamer (slump busters, muddler minnows?) fished properly are a good choice at these curent flows as well. Fish can be spotted in the shallow water under cover in the right sunlight. Nymphing deep in the foam lines with the standard nymphs or with various soft hackles flys in shades of green #’s 14-18 will imitate many things in the water, or fish a birds nest in the same sizes in shades of brown and green as well as the ever reliable PT nymph.