The beautiful trout of the Lower Owens ns River have been gorging themselves on mayfly and caddis emergers along with dries as well. The river is almost a sure bet of a double digit day for most half experienced fly fisherman. 🙂 Although they are plentiful and hungry they are a wild population of fish and therefore highly selective. Baetis emergers and Caddis emerger patterns in sizes #16-20 are taking a lot of fish. RS2’s and Cased baetis patterns are a couple of examples of successful patterns to sink down in front of the trout. The rising trout action takes place all throughtout the river system with some sort of repeation pattern each day. It is a late morning to afternoon event that takes place in various parts of the river. All sorts of great dry fly patterns will take the rising trout on the surface. Throax BWO, Cut wing Baetis and Blue Quills are good patterns to start with. Stalcups adult caddis for a dry fly on 6x can be irrestable when you happen upon splasy rising caddis eating trout.