The Lower Owens is flowing at a great rate of 200 cfs… and fishing even better! Dry fly action has beent happening to the lucky few that have been fortunate enough to be on the Lower O the last couple of weeks. From 5- Bridges down and up rising fish have been sighted and presented to. These Mayflies come off fast and furious and the fish are suddenly up for a couple hours and then down just as fast. Wading is easy on the Lower Owens at this level, slight wading experience is needed to enter and exit the river successfully at this point. Before the hatch nymphs will get you into great numbers of trout as well… if you find a hole with good populations chances are when the adults come off they will rise there. For nymphs use Bubble Back emergers #16-20, RS2’s #16-18, Halfback Beatis #18, Zebra and T-midges #18-20 and various Midge emergers #16-20. For the dry fly action hey standard elk Hair Caddis, Stallcups Adult Caddis, CDC baetis adult, and Thorax BWO all in Sizes # 16-20 will all bring success to the good presenting dry fly fisherman.