The Lower Owens was moved up to another great flow rate of 150cfs just a couple of days ago . Fishing has been great with some nice average sized fish coming out every day. A Baetis hatch can be seen once again in certian areas but has not arrived to be river wide. When it does occur very nice sized fish can be seen rising to these juicy bugs. Nymphing has been steady and reliable with Caddis and Mayfly imitations getting most of the attention. Midge emergers also have their place right now during certain times and places in the river. One idea is to fish all sorts of green/brown caddis worms with a BWO/midge behind on your nymph rigs. We have had a lot of success fishing different patterns in this combination. RS2’s, Bubble Backs and CDC Baetis patterns all in #18-20… #16-18 Caddis Worms in various patterns and shades of green/brown.. Poly winged Midge Emergers in dark colors #18-20 are all good choices on the bottom. Stay tuned for the dry flies to ramp up the action..