The Lower Owens River is flowing at a great rate of 140 cfs, fish are very active and weather is warm. The days here are lengthening, giving us more time in a day to take in the stark beauty of the Eastern Sierra and hopefully meet a few of her beautiful Trout. The warmer evenings seem to be reigniting the Caddis Hatch with fish starting to get back into the idea of topwater splashy caddis eats. As usual, nymphing the Lower Owens all day long can produce great numbers of fish. The usual suspects; Baetis, Caddis and Midge Emergers are still doing the trick. The fish seem to be focusing on the Baetis and Caddis more underneath the water at this time. Since both are hatching we recommend trying the emerging patterns in both Caddis and Baetis in sizes 16 through 20 for best success. Wet wading is now an option with great air and water Temps. Some bugs are out but only briefly. Streamers patterns have also been taking fish in most sections of the river when tossed under overhangs into shadowy deep and dark banks. You might even get another unexpected game fish while doing this!