The Lower Owens is flowing at a great rate of 220 cfs at the writing on this report. Water temps are rising and fish are very active. The entire system seems to be fishing well but the dry fly fishing in the first couple of miles below the dam is very strong somedays. There are still BWO’s of a larger variety, usually #16-#18. Most well placed traditional Baetis patterns will fool these fish, although it may take quite a few fasts before the trout takes your fly over another. This is where is pays off to be very accurate! Accuracy to pick out an individual trout in his lane will yield more fish with fewer casts. Midges and Caddis have been out as well and have been being eaten on the surface by the trout, but they are not as predictable as the early afternoon BWO hatch. Nymphs are taking fish all day long in good numbers when the trout are not rising. CDC case BWO emergers, Bubble backs, Trigger BWO nymph patterns, RS’ S and the like in numbers #16-18 will all take fish.. T-Midges and various midge patterns in #18-20 are also patterns one must have in the Lower Owens Box at the moment.