The Lower Owens got turned way up to a high flow of 525 CFS. There are a few places on the river with some decent foam lines that the fly angler can nymph deep and extract some nice brown trout. We have been throwing streamers to the opposite bank and tugging them back with some great results in very certain areas. The last couple hours of the day the caddis hatch comes off with good action in the deeper pools. We will have to see how long the department of water and power keeps us at these very high water levels, there’s not enough water up there to maintain them very long that is for sure.. Flies are : larger and heavier Streamers #4-8, Bubble Back Emergers # 16-20, Sparkle Trigger Nymphs #14-20, Robo PT’s #16-20, and at night Elk Hair Caddis and other Caddis patterns # 16-20 will take fish.