Mammoth Fly Fishing : Hot Creek – 6.13.11

Perfect Bow Hot Creek June 2011

Perfect Bow Hot Creek June 2011

Hot Creek is higher than we usually see it! Nymphing deep is
not something one usually does in this creek, but now, it is possible. 5x
instead of 6x and bigger flies can be used. Water is dirtier than usual but
well within fly fishing standards. Crystal Pheasant Tails, and Robo Pheasant
Tails in sizes #16-20, Princes #16-18, Various Caddis Pupa #16-20, Zebra and
Tiger Midges in #16-20 and various other attractor and popular Hot Creek
Patterns are also still on the Menu. Some top water action can still be found
during these times. Fish are actually coming up and at least looking and
sometimes eating attractor patterns used as the indicator fly. Also Baetis and
Caddis are still getting eaten on top in certain seams. Small Elk Hair Caddis,
Fertile and Hot Creek Caddis in sizes #16-20 will take fish.

Bridgeport Fly Fishing: East Walker River – 6.13.11

Nice EW Brown June 2011

Nice EW Brown June 2011

The flows were recently pushed up to 590cfs on the East
Walker which is high water for this fishery.
We have still been managing to extract fish from the fast yet clean
water. Nymphing deep with lots of weight Czech style or using a large indicator
to hold up the weight you put on to get the flies right in front of the fish is
the obvious method for success in these conditions. Most of the same nymphs are still covering most of the situations
and fly angler might come across in the East Walker. …#12-16
San Juan worms patterns, #18-20 T-Midges in olive and Pearl, #18 Flash Bang
Midges in Cream, Biot Midges in #16-20 in grey and black, Caddis worms #16-20
and other similar patterns will work well. Split Case BWO emergers in #18-20
and Bubbleback emergers in #18-20 as well. For the BWO hatch on the surface
when you see rising trout use #16-20 Thorax BWO’s and Extended Body BWO
patterns. Your heaviest favorite
streamers fished correctly will also
get some great action. Fish these in all sorts of angles, depths, and
techniques to cover all bases.

Bridgeport Fly Fishing: East Walker River – 5.15.11

East Walker Brown Trout 5.11

East Walker Brown Trout 5.11

The East Walker went up and then back down to a fishable level of 268cfs and continues to flow that way now.  The fishing was a little slower from the weather fronts this weekend but  we have still been seeing great fish out of the East Walker. The entire river seems to be fishing well with nice fish coming out of most areas.  A small mayfly hatch comes off mid-morning and some of the East Walker Trout respond well this this hatch, as usual, the larger fish do not repsond much to these topwater bugs. For the big fish keep most of your flies under the water…#12-16 San Juan worms patterns, #18-20 T-Midges in olive and Pearl, #18 Flash Bang Midges in Cream, Biot Midges in #16-20 in grey and black, Caddis worms #16-20 and other similar patterns will work well.  Split Case BWO emergers in #18-20 and Bubbleback emergers in #18-20 as well. For the BWO hatch on the surface when you see rising trout use #16-20 Thorax BWO’s and Extended Body BWO patterns. Streamers of your favorite choice fished correctly will also get some great action. Fish these is all sorts of angles and techniques to cover all bases.

Bishop – Mammoth Fly Fishing: Local Area Creeks – 5.15.11

Eastern Sierra Creek Fishing Spring 2011

Eastern Sierra Creek Fishing Spring 2011

The local creeks are still in pretty much pre runoff stage with some nice fish being taken from Bishop to Mammoth.  Medium – Large attractor nymphs such as; Purple Prince Nymphs #16-18, Prince Nymphs #16-18, Red Disco Midges #16 and the like. Caddis are also coming off with small creek fish responding readily to a well presented Hemingway or Elk Hair Caddis in #’s 18-20. With this great  water year we will see some great numbers of terrestrials, especially hoppers coming in the next coming weeks and months making for some exciting topwater explosions from hungry sierra stream trout.

Mammoth Fly Fishing: Hot Creek – 5.15.11

Hot Creek Bow Spring 2011

Hot Creek Bow Spring 2011

Hot Creek is flowing slightly off colour and is fishy as usual. Flows are up a little but perfect for fly fishing. A mixture of caddis and BWO’s seem to be coming off late morning – early afternoon. The patient dry fly purest can have a great day here as the caddis will continue to get stronger in the upcoming weeks and months. Fish BWO emerger and nymph patterns is sizes #18-22: Split Case Caddis, Bubble Back BWO, PT’s, WD-40′s, Soft Hackles in green and orange, and small caddis worms such as #16-20 sparkle pupa, #16-18 Ticket or Electric Caddis Pupa #18… For Dries try: Ext Body BWO’s #18-22, CDC BWO’s #18-20, #22 griffiths gnats, Henry’s Fork Caddis #10-20, Hot Creek Caddis #18-20, Hemingway Caddis #18,a nd  Fertile Caddis #18-20.

Mammoth Fly Fishing: Upper Owens – 5.16.11

Flowing at 90 cfs not much has changed on the Upper Owens. In the last few days, along with Hot Creek, it has been pelted with a blizzard at one moment and then sunny the next moment.  Besides that, fish are spread out evenly throughout the system with some great fish still being caught.  Streamers seem to be getting more attention these days, there has been a few days recently where we fished only streamers in Upper O and surrounding streams. Chirionocones in red and green in #’s 16-18, Robo Pheasant Tails in #’s 16-20 , Sparkle Trigger nymphs in sizes #16-20, Prince nymph patterns in #14-18,  Electric Rock Worms #14-18, The Ticket Caddis Worm #14-16. On the surface some smaller fish still have been slapping the top of the water for smaller Mayfly and Caddis patterns. Thorax BWO’s and Extended body BWO patterns in sizes #18-20 with work for these fish. A small Elk Hair Caddis will also get some action when fished at the right time.  Streamers can be fished here efficiently with a floating line and correct leader length, making for a quick switchover from nymphs or dries when only carrying one

Upper Owens Springtime 2011

Upper Owens Springtime 2011


Bishop Fly Fishing: Lower Owens River – 5.15.11

Although flows are down to a still high rate of 390 cfs the Bishop bound fly fisherman can still manage to catch fish most of the day on certain parts of the Lower Owens.  Dry fly action has been noted on most days which has been a mixture of small caddis and baetis. Fish seem to be responding to these flies on the surface in most slower foam lines and backwater eddies.  Nymphing these areas as well seems to be the best bet for the wild inhabitants of the Lower Owens. #16-18 RS2, #16-18 Sparkle Trigger, #14-16 The  Ticket Caddis Worm and Electric rock worm, #16-20  BWO Bubbleback emerger… For dries fish small elk hair caddis in #18-20 in olives and brown colours, Henrys Fork Caddis #18-20 and Hemingway Caddis #18-20.. For BWO’s use #16-20 Thorax BWOs, Ex. Bodies, and  Hi Vis patterns all in sizes #16-20.

Mammoth Fly Fishing: Upper Owens River – 4.16.11

Upper Owens Spring Brown 2011

Upper Owens Spring Brown 2011

The Upper Owens is still running at a low flow of around 70cfs. At this flow it is very easy to get around to the larger holes where you can still find some big trout. Trout seem to be throughout the river all the way up to the private water boundry. Browns and Bows have been caught recently of all sizes. Snow is gone and some places are muddy.. be careful where you drive!  Access is unlimited when simply avoiding the mud. For flies try: Chirionocones in red and green in #’s 16-18, Robo Pheasant Tails in #’s 16-20 , Sparkle Trigger nymphs in sizes #16-20, Prince nymph patterns in #14-18, and Z and T midge emergers and larvae in #16-20. On the surface some smaller fish have been slapping the top of the water for smaller Mayfly and Caddis patterns. Thorax BWO’s and Extended body BWO patterns in sizes #18-20 with work for these fish. A small Elk Hair Caddis will also get some action when fished at the right time. Streamers on a sink tip or other sinking method in the larger holes will also get some big tugs. A big black wooly bugger is a good place to start with streamers.

Best Trout Fishing In Bishop Ca

Bridgeport Fly Fishing: East Walker River – 4.16.11

Back down to a very fishy flow of 230cfs the East Walker is showing us what it is capable of.. Big Trout! ..  Fish are out and about and ready to eat the properly presented pattern. Snow is mostly all gone except for a few shaded snow drifts.. Streamers and nymphs are working with most of the usual patterns taking fish…  #12-16 SJ worms patterns, #18-20 T-Midges in olive and Pearl, #18 Flash Bang Midges in Cream, Biot Midges in #16-20 in grey and black, Caddis worms #16-20 and other similar patterns. For dries the occasional mayfly patterns will work when you find a pod of rising trout.. generally, you will not get the larger trout out of the East Walker using standard dry flies.  Streamers of your choice will also do the trick.. We prefer large bunny streamers in a range of colours fished down deep or near the surface depending on what the fish are showing you..  An excellent choice for the Eastern Sierra fly fisherman.

East Walker Spring Brown 2011
                East Walker Spring Brown 2011

Mammoth Fly Fishing: Hot Creek – 4.16.11

Hot Creek, of course, is fishing great with great fish and a satisfying fishing experience being delivered as usual..  The gate is open and acess is back to usual status. From what we have seen and have been hearing Hot Creek is getting a lot of pressure. Nevertheless big fish are around and being caught. Mid-day fish are on the surface usually on Midges and Baetis. Fish BWO emerger and nymph patterns is sizes #18-22: Split Case Caddis, Bubble Back BWO, PT’s, WD-40’s, Soft Hackles in green and orange, and small caddis worms. For Dries try: Ext Body BWO’s #18-22, CDC BWO’s #18-20, #22 griffiths gnats,  Henry’s Fork Caddis  #10-20 and other variations of these suggested patterns will get you fish on Hot Creek when fished correctly..

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