Mammoth Fly Fishing: Upper Owens River – 1/19/2010

The Upper Owens is flowing heavy at 162 cfs… This flow is way up there and somewhat difficult to fish.. If you go pick the slower larger pools and throw some “meat and potatoes”… or heavily nymph some SJuans #6 with tigers and zebras below #18’s. Watch out for wintery conditions! Fishing from the bridge up recommended..

Mammoth Fly Fishing

Bishop Fly Fishing: Lower Owens River – Dec 16, 2009

The Lower Owens is now flowing at an even 90 cfs. These are low flows that make for some very decent fly fishing! It can be a little slow in the mornings but things really start happening around 9:30-10:30 am.. I have been seeing more dry fly action every day out there with the fish responding accordingly. Drift trips have been yielding good numbers of fish depending on the day and fishermans skills. Look to the slower deeper water once again in this winter wonderland for holding trout. The usual suspect are; Tiger and Zebras #18-20 in colours of olive with copper or black/silver or gold and also the red/silver combo has been taking fish. #18-20 Copper Bobs in red and copper, Trigger Nymphs, Robos and PT all in like sizes are taking fish as well. What a great river to fish in the winter!

Mammoth Fly Fishing: Hot Creek – Dec. 16, 2009

As I was arriving last Friday I was the first one to be shut out as the Forest Service was there locking the gate at lower end of the ranch property. Lots of snow has fallen since then making access even harder.. For the serious fisherman the work to get there is well worth it! Mid morning the water boils with fish taking very small #20 Baetis.. Going on into the afternoon they switch over to the Amiocentrus caddis for their afternoon meals. Use #20 baetis imitations or just the good old P. Adams… For the Caddis try a Partridge, Hemmingway or Hot Creek Caddis, once again in a size #20. Under the water voracious bug eating also occures. Very small midges fished properly here will yield lots of trout with some big guys coming out of the creek!

Bridgeport Fly Fishing: East Walker River – Dec. 16, 2009

The East Walker is now up to a more fishable flow of 44 cfs. The fishing remains strong, the only catch in arriving there. Since the last dumping of snow a few days ago the trip over the mountains to the East Walker takes a little while longer. The majority of the fish are holding in the slower water due to a slower metabolism from the colder winter water temperatures. One other thing; you will also be much more likely to have the river to yourself this time of year. For bug to toss at them try the usual small midges in different colours and configurations in sizes #18-22… Silver and Gold on Black TigerZebra is a good place to start. Disco and Biot Midges are also a good choice. WD-40’s and PT’s in the same sizes will also get you fish in the middle of this winter wonderland.

Mammoth Fly Fishing: Upper Owens River – Dec. 16, 2009

The Upper Owens is up to 121 cfs as this report is being written. Snow covers the banks of the Upper O keeping the fairweather fisherman away for the season. Water temps are obviously down, but the fish really are not. Fish are coming up to midges here and there throughout the day.. Nothing consistent though. Large Crowley Lake fish can still be sighted, fished to, and caught by the patient anger. Use 4×4 or chains to get around here. My Xterra in 4-wheel driver had no problem getting around. Zebra and Tigers are still getting attention here in #’s 18-20.. Try them in red/silver or black/silver. Small baetis imitations and your basic PT in similar sizes will also get you fish here.

Bishop Fly Fishing Guide

Bishop Fly Fishing: Lower Owens River Update- Nov.22 2009

Since my last post the Lower Owens has dropped to a perfect flow of 126cfs. The drift boat has been out and roaming the waters of the Lower O. Fish have been more than responsive with many holes holding incredible numbers of fish and some holes having a few.. Overall the fishing has been great! Small baetis and midges are bringing fish up to the surface for some dry fly action. Nymphing small PT’s, Tiger and Zebra Midges and small Soft Hackles will get you into fish all day long #’s 16-20.!! Streamers are also on the menu.. Fish your favorite streamer pattern here to feel many 30+ft handshakes…Also getting many good reports from anglers coming in the shop off the water here… A++ winter trout river!

Bishop Fly Fishing

Bridgeport Fly Fishing: East Walker River Update- Nov. 22 2009

Photos taken on 11/20

Unique spots of the the Brown above

The East Walker remains at a very cool 19cfs…. The water temps waiver around mid to high forties making it a safe temp for any trout.. The spawning action I have been witnessing has seemed to stop with no spawning action spotted as of 11/20..The nests are not clean looking anymore, although I would not step anywhere near these until the river has filled them in. Very light nymphing is what is needed to be successful here. No lead needed!.. . All small Midge patterns, PT’s and Robos in #18-20 are working well….Lots of midge and small mayfly surface activity for decent sized fish as well. The fish are also obviously eating perch (streamers are getting more attention now)as you can see in the photo of the much over eager brown I came across below. He really makes the phrase “biting off more than you can chew” come to mind…

Bridgeport Fly Fishing: East Walker River Nov. 11, 2009

The East Walker is down to a low flow of 19 cfs.. When you first walk up on the river you say “wow” when you realize how little water is in there. In spite of this the water remains at a great fishing temp and condition. Risers are everywhere eating midges and the fish are competetive and hungry! Few spots will now require you to use lead on your nymphing rigs. Just a handful of Large fish can be seen spawning in very certain areas of the river. (not M-Mile section) PLEASE DONT FISH TO THESE GUYS and let them do their thing.
Fish small Griffaths Gnats for the rising fish and watch for some Baetis emergence as well.. for underwater your favorite midge larva, PT,or WD-40 all is sizes #16-20 will work fine. Try a SJ if you are inclined. Your favorite streamers big and small will also cause big browns to move on your offerings.. I prefer a streamer with some white or lighter colours in it…

Lower Owens RIver Drift Boating guided trips

Bishop Fly Fishing Report: Lower Owens River Nov. 11 2009

The Lower Owens still produces fish to the die hard Lower Owens angler.. As of today the flow is 269 cfs, which is way down from last week and actually very fishable… Wait another week or so for the flows to drop below 200 cfs and it will be on even more!!. Fish midges, Hares Ears and caddis in #16 -#20..Streamers always get attention here.

Best Trout Fishing Near Mammoth Lakes

Mammoth Fly Fishing: Upper Owens River Nov. 11,2009

(Fish caught on November 10th, 2009 by B. Priest)

The Upper Owens is flowing at a steady 58 cfs and has for some time… The BIG Crowley fish are still in and can be found in any pool or foam seam that has substantial depth to it. Though not every hole holds a trophy fish, one must move around from hole to hole to seek out these trophys fishing it correctly. Streamer action can still be found but the colder water has slowed the streamer bite down recently. Nymphing is the way to go with small black and red Poxy or Tigetr and Zebra midges #18 or so, and some SJ worms, hares ears and Small Pheasant Tail type stuff in midge sizes.

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