The East Walker is at a nice and clear fishable flow of 265cfs and continues to give out is healthy trout to deserving fly fisherman. Some days a great PMD hatch comes off around 11:30 and most of the trout in the river respond very well. Midges continue to be present most of the day with fish eating many midge and midge emerger patterns underneath. PMD emergers also get some attention at the right times. The upper section can be crowded starting mid-morning but later on people thin out. The hatch is strongest near the dam with the most fish responding. Some of the larger trout seem to have found their homes further downstream on the East Walker. Streamers are getting some attention when fished deep or when the sun is off the water. PMD’s dries (extended body, thorax) in sizes #14-16 will take fish off the surface during the hatch. T-Midges, Poly wing Midges, Biot midges, and disco midges will all take fish on the EW in #’s 18-22. Hoppers could also be a major food source very soon! Stay tuned on this one…

The East Walker is at a nice and clear fishable flow of 265cfs and continues to give out is healthy trout to deserving fly fisherman. Some days a great PMD hatch comes off around 11:30 and most of the trout in the river respond very well. Midges continue to be present most of the day with fish eating many midge and midge emerger patterns underneath. PMD emergers also get some attention at the right times. The upper section can be crowded starting mid-morning but later on people thin out. The hatch is strongest near the dam with the most fish responding. Some of the larger trout seem to have found their homes further downstream on the East Walker. Streamers are getting some attention when fished deep or when the sun is off the water. PMD’s dries (extended body, thorax) in sizes #14-16 will take fish off the surface during the hatch. T-Midges, Poly wing Midges, Biot midges, and disco midges will all take fish on the EW in #’s 18-22. Hoppers could also be a major food source very soon! Stay tuned on this one…