Wintertime Fly Fishing on the Upper Owens River near Mammoth Lakes California

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes CA – 12.7.16

Upper Owens River fly fishing near Mammoth Lakes CA is a great winter fly fishing experience …even though we just are not seeing the amount of large and prefect catchable fish heading up the river.  Flows are still down to the same levels associated with my last Upper Owens Report. Use the same flies and techniques. As weather gets cooler and cooler we should see more trout move on up and in the deep water.

Wintertime Fly Fishing on the Upper Owens River near Mammoth Lakes California

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing

Winter fly fishing on the Upper Owens River

Winter fly fishing on the Upper Owens River

Hot Creek Fly Fishing near Mammoth Lakes

Hot Creek Fly Fishing : Mammoth Lakes CA – 12.7.16

Hot Creek Fly Fishing in Mammoth Lakes has been decent as the newly released citizens are continually getting more accustomed to their new homes in the flowing voclanic aquas of Hot Creek.  Fishing can be actually quite fun here using a light nymphing technique with some standard Hot Creek nymphs. Pheasant tails, Midges and Midge Emergers, Small Caddis and Coppers will do the trick. Try these nymph patterns and their Dry counterparts in small sizes for success on Hot Creek.  Some Hot Creek surface activity is noted throughout the system, but nothing constant.  We look forward to seeing what Hot Creek has in store with its recent re-stocking and instant trout population.

Hot Creek Fly Fishing near Mammoth Lakes

Hot Creek Fly Fishing



Lower Owens River Fly Fishing guide, eastern Sierra Fly fishing, Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing guide

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing : Bishop CA report – 11.20.16

The Lower Owens River Fly Fishing continues to make us local Fly anglers very happy.   We are seeing a definite larger average size of fish over the last few months.  It appears the lower and somewhat harsher water conditions of the last few years possibly weeded out some of the weaker & smaller fish.  Then this summer we saw actual runoff,   the flows pumped to 500cfs,  this sheer volume of water provided more protein in the form of insects and bait fish passing by for the carnivorous trout to consume.  We are starting to see dry Fly action more regularly from around 10:30-1:00pm in popular fish holes throughout the river.  Fish the appropriate patterns mentioned in my last reports.  Lots of Midge and Baetis  Emergers…

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing guide, eastern Sierra Fly fishing, Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing guide

Georgous Lower Owens River Brown Trout

Bishop fly guide, eastern Sierra Fly fishing, Mammoth fly guide

Eastern Sierra Fly fishing guide, Bishop Fly Fishing guide, Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing guide, lower Owens River Fly Fishing

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing, Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing, eastern Sierra Fly fishing guide

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes, CA – 11.17.16

The water on the Upper Owens River is now clear and flowing around 70cfs! A decent amount of large fish have moved in,  nothing like we like it but there is a few.  Tactics change to gin-clear spring Creek like tactics as to not spook these awesome fish.  Take care of where you cross and step.  The same flies as my last report still hold strong. After this storm and weather change we should see larger numbers of Trout arriving.

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing, Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing, eastern Sierra Fly fishing guide

STM friend Vinny Y. Shows us what’s in the Upper Owens River.

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing, Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing, eastern Sierra Fly fishing guide

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing, Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing : Mammoth Lakes CA – 11.17.16

We wipe the tears away at the fact Crowley Lake is done for the year…   STM guide Seth shows us how to make the best of it.  Using a combination of streamers and nymphs throughout the day he managed to land a good batch of amazing fish.

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing, Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing

STM Guide Seth finished Crowley on a day off…

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing guide, Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing guide, eastern Sierra Fly Shop

Bakersfield boy goes big on Crowley


Fly Fishing the Lower Owens River, Eastern Sierra Wild Trout

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop Ca – 11.17.16

Bishop’s Fly Fishing jewel, the Lower Owens River is currently flowing at a popular flow rate of right around 80-100cfs. This, in turn, opens up the river to many fly anglers who are slightly uneasy wading at the higher flow rates. These current rates will most likely stay low and sweet until next summers runoff. Nymphing the standard, and some modified Lower Owens winter patterns have been very effective. Make sure time is spent reading the water effectively,  dipping your flies in the right holes throughout the river. Weeds are thinning out and this has been a very solid fishery producing some beautiful, wild fish. Some surface activity is noted throughout the river system and should become more prevalent as the new season comes in.

Fly Fishing the Lower Owens River, Eastern Sierra Wild Trout

Happy Fly Fishing days on the Lower Owens River

Eastern Sierra Fly fishing guide, Mammoth Lakes Fly Fishing

Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing, Lower Owens River Fly Fishing

Dream day on the Lower Owens River, Bishop CA


Upper Owens River Fly Fishing

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes CA – 11.2.16

The Upper Owens is currently running at a great winter rate of around 100cfs. Water is slightly stained down low and actually gin clear up higher. Of course, this makes the fish very suspicious of the moving angler on the shore. The main point here is that there are a Few large fish that everybody has been anticipating in here…. not the numbers yet that make this an unforgettable place to fish with memories you cant forget. But very close! As usual, fishing some colourful, tried and true attractor patterns does the trick here. Pulling a streamer through larger, dark, and deep holes can also give you a giggle inducing jolt. This varies much more daily than standard nymphing.  Stay tuned for this fishery to heat up and show us what its all about.

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing

Beautiful Upper Owens river winter Trout

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing

Lower Owens River Brown Trout

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing : Bishop CA – 10/6/16

  • The Lower Owens River Fly Fishing has been great! Dropping to a perfect flow of around 190cfs the river is optimal for the fish and fisherman alike.  Water Temps linger in the 50’s andthe fish enjoy the fall temperatures by eating and taking advantage of the more frequent emergence of their prey.. Bugs… As before hatches can be seen around mid-morning to just after noon.   Now with a little more predictability and intensity compared to my last reports.  Nymphing emerging Baetis and Midges patterns still holds strong.  Soft Hackles and variations of the Green Caddis Worm are all bugs to carry in your box whilst on the river. Some nicer fish of good size and quality have been coming out for us recently.  Stay tuned for more form this classic Trout fishery. 
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