Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop CA – 9.11.15

The Lower Owens River is flowing clear and at season lows. nights are cool and fish start move more and exhibit different eating habits ..  Lots of fish are being caught at the moment on various nymphs and Attractor dries.  Still,  in the mornings some very small May Fly Trico action can be found in certain spots along the river.  A few thunder storms are on the horizon to mix things up just a bit more.  Stay tuned for some continued great action from this river!


Beautiful yellow Brown Trout in Hand on the East Walker RIver

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop CA – 9.1.15

Cooler nights!!! Cooler nights are setting up some great fishing and comfortable Temps! Fish are responding well and eating correctly placed placed bugs.  Attractor patterns will bring up fish throughout the day if a Fly angler chooses to stick to it and moves throughout the river appropriately.  Streamers tossed correctly to the opposite bank and pulled back have been bringing up some of the larger fish in the river as well.  Fish these in lighter colours and medium sized..  Larger streamers will get action but careful not to hit the water to hard in the Lower flows.  Fish the same nymphs as my last report and don’t be afraid to try different variations of the same patterns in larger sizes. 




Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop CA – 8.27.15

Nights are cooking down and The Lower Owens River continues to flow low and clear! Fishing is consistent and wet wading is still a must for most!  Dry Fly activity is seen early and late with very consistent nymphing in between.  A few people dot the river here and there but the wise angler can usually place himself in a position where he sees no other people all day.  Tricos,  PMD’s, Caddis and Midges are the main players right now..  Have these in both Nymph and dry forms. Streamers have also been working excellent and you might even get a bassy surprise! Remember in the Lower  if it looks fishy..  They are there!!




Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop, CA – 8.15.15

In spite of out great water year the Lower Owens tailwater fishery out of Pleasant Valley Reservoir continues to produce stunning wild brown trout.  Early morning a Trico Hatch comes off that completely challenges any skill level of angler.  These fish have been very consistent and one can count on  the hatch happening earlier morning for the past few weeks and continuing even today.  Nymphing,  of course produces the most fish throughout the day. Use something similar to or the same basic patterns as stated in my last report for optimal success. 



Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop CA – 7.18.15

The Lower Owens continues to deliver a satisfying fishing experience for beginning and advanced Fly Anglers.  Flows are still stabilized and low and cool.  Wading is a cinch without waders and is a refreshing experience.  Early and especially late Dry Fly activity is a constant.  Fish the usual nymphs as suggested in my last report for optimal success.  Have a good supply of PMD and Baetis emergers,  Caddis Worms,  and some Midge Larvae.  Most will be sized #16-20. Some small attractors can be used throughout the day to bring up the wild inhabitants of the Lower Owens River. 





Crowley Lake Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes CA – 7.13.15

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing has been great! Some OK days mixed in with some truly epic battles with some of the largest Trout most people will hook consistently in a day! Another bonus is the variety of species of Trout. On any day we catch a variety of Cutthroat, Browns of various shades of yellows, and lots of fast moving Rainbows.  Fishing water depths around 15-20′ will bring you the most success on the west bays of the lake and a few other strategic spots.  The standard Crowley Lake patterns we have been tying in the shop have been working amazing.  Large Chironomids #12-14 do the trick in Blacks ,  Reds ,  Grey’s and Creams.  Don’t take your eye off the indicator though as you might miss the fish of a lifetime!









Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop CA – 7.13.15

The Lower Owens River has benefited a lot from the past few weeks of rain and much cooler weather.  Nights are still dropping into the high 50’s leaving the river cool and healthy.  Hatches are out and can be found throughout most of the day.  The last few days upon arriving to the river around 8-8:30 a nice Trico hatch is on the water with fish eating the small mayflies in the foam lines and riffles where the river channels them.  Caddis are around throughout the day and the fish seem keyed on them most of the time.  The hatch gets thick in late evening hours.  Nymphing and streamers will of course take fish throughout the day.  Fish the standard patterns that reflect the aquatic bugs I listed above with lots of Emergers as well.  Bubblebacks,  soft hackles and variations on the PT patterns will get you into fish.  Caddis Worms #16 in various styles will also be gobbled up when drifted down past the wild brown trout nose in the Lower Owens.  Dry pattern examples have been the Stalcups adult Caddis #14-16 and various small Trico/Baetis patterns #18-22. This fishery looks to keep us going all summer long with healthy fish and bug activity.





Crowley Lake Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes CA – 7.1.15

Crowley has some slow days and some unbelievable days where the average Trout size to the net is 3-4  lbs.  Fishing in 15-20 ft of water seems to be the preferred depth of the fish from Leighton Springs to Little and Big Hilton.  Crooked Creek also has some good action to be had, and is a possible place to take shelter from the wind. Fishing our Crowley Buzzers #12-14 has been very successful by fishing them between “6 to two and even three feet off the bottom.  Morbung seems to. Be the best time but don’t discount even either.. Of course there are those days when they steadily bite all day…







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