Bishop Fly Fishing : Lower Owens River – 10.26.12
The Lower Owens River has come down to a very fishable 150 to 200 cfs flow. At this flow rate the entire river is accessible and absolutely full of fish. Water is clear and one can find a variety of riffles , foam lines, drop offs, and deeper pools all of which hold wild brown trout and some colorful Rainbows. Weather is cooler but sunny making for perfect fishing conditions. One can expect to find trout from the bottom of the Pleasant Valley campground all the way down to Highway 6 Bridge on to East line Street bridge. Dry fly activity in increasing and can be found in certain spots throughout the day, recently we have been finding rising fish in the slower pools and on the shaded edges. Fish are highly selective in the Lower Owens so the right patterns are a must. For nymphs use Bubble Back emergers #16-20, RS2’s #16-18, Halfback Beatis #18, Zebra and T-midges #18-20 and various Midge emergers #16-20. For the dry fly action hey standard elk Hair Caddis, Stallcups Adult Caddis, CDC baetis adult, and Thorax BWO all in Sizes # 16-20.. Look for this fishery to fish great until spring with great Dry Fly fishing just around the corner.