Bishop Fly Fishing : Lower Owens River – 1.14.10
The Lower Owens continues to flow at a great 100 cfs of healthy, nutrient rich water. A few Blue Winged Olives have been seen, but not a thick hatch like us fly fisherman dream about. These dry flies will come out soon as it seems the trout are still turned on the nymph and emerging forms of these insects. Another thing new on the menu would be Scuds, these small freshwater shrimp looking creatures are found in sizes #12-16 and are usually a light to dark olive green in colour. The usual suspects are still being eaten: #16-20 Sparkle Trigger Nymphs, #16-20 CDC Bubbleback emergers, Split-Back BWO’s in #18-20, and Midge pupa and emergers in (poly wing emergers and zebras) sizes #16-20. Fish a olive or cream scud in the above mentioned sizes with one of the other mentioned patterns to find what the trout want on that particular day. Drift trips have been consistent with solitude and wild fish – call the shop for more details. Look for some dry fly action to happen soon!