Lower Owens River Fishing Report… Nov 13, 2008
The Lower O has been producing some great fish with some great hatches as well… The flows are down to very fishable levels and passing a full day on this water leaves a fly angler feeling fish satisfied! Having been fishing it for the last few days out of a drift boat it has been a diverse river. First of all a great BWO hatch comes off like clockwork starting around 12:30pm. Certain places that would not normally hold trout seem to come alive with boils and water displacing strikes. Use 6x here with your favorite BWO pattern in sizes #18-20’s.. I have been using some parachute patterns as well as CDC patterns. Nymphs are always getting fish attention here with some green caddis worms around the #16 size and various Zebra midges.. the midge emergers with the little tuft of white out the top of the bead seem to attract more attention. Small PT’s and WD-40’s also get eaten and should be in your box to complete your set here and not leave you feeling left out. Streamers are getting chomped when fished correctly.. Purple seems to get more attention right now than most.. go large on the streamers, you will be pleasently surprised.. Multicolour streamers also seem to attract more attention.. stay tuned as I will be fishing Hot Creek and the Upper Owens in the next couple of days…