Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop, CA – 5.24.21
The Lower Owens River, just north of Bishop, CA, has been steady flowing at around 270cfs of very fishy and nutrient rich sierra water. Conditions are perfect as fish are able to move about freely. That is not the only benefit, this volume of water delivers more biomass (trout food) to the Brown and Rainbow Trout of the Lower Owens river, allowing them to grow fatter and heavier! Stoneflies are being eaten, a fly angler can witness random attacks on the surface here and there of the adults, but mostly there is plenty of underwater consuming of the nymph variety. These have been around a size 12-14. Large caddis worms, midges and plenty of mayfly patterns have been producing some great fish as well. The river is faster than it was in winter at only 80cfs, but, at these flows the entire system is much more healthy. Wading is easy when reading the river correctly, lots of gravel bars, wadable banks, and shore fishing are all options right now. We will see how the warmer weather, storms, and runoff treat us this summer season!
Call the Bishop STM Fly Shop @ 760 873 0010 or send a text to 661 364 6981
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