The long awaited event of diminished flows of the Lower Owens River right outside of Bishop, California has finally happened! The River is currently sitting at a very comfortable and fishable flow of 225 cfs. To make a long story short, fish are very happy, and the river is very accessible and readable. Finally! Some rising fish can be spotted and fished for. Bugs raise out of the water here and there form mid morning to mid afternoon in Mayfly style. Caddis are also seen throughout the day and trout can randomly be seen eating them with very splashy and exciting takes. Moderately light nymphing rigs, high sticking style nymphing, and tenkara types of techniques have been very successful this last week. Small Mayfly nymphs, Caddis Worms, and Nymphs have been the patterns for success. Stay tuned as I will be updating reports on this river often!