The Lower Owens River has settled on around 249cfs of sweet tailwater fishing. We are seeing some happy, healthy fish throughout the system. Baetis still come out in between 11:30-2pm although it has been a little less predictable with this moisture passing thru. Sometimes it’s super think and sometimes thinner. Overall it’s been very nice fishing weather and conditions with a lot more surface activity then we have seen in a couple of years. Yellow Sallies have been crawling out on the banks, making them a good Nymph to fish.. We have been taking a lot of nice wild Browns on Stimulator and various Yellow Sallie type Attractor patterns. Baetis Emergers, Caddis Worms and Emergers and Midge patterns. Fish these is #16-20 Small stone patterns inb#14-16. We will see what the future holds with this awesome water year in the Eastern Sierra.