The Lower Owens River has been fishing good most days. Flows are staying cool and reasonably low. The Dry Fly action remains semi inconsistent, yet happens every day in some part of the river. In the top of the WTC a noon-time Baetis hatch happens very consistently recently. A few Grannom Caddis adults are skimming the surface of the water throughout the day. Today, random acts of top water bug violence were noted with no bug activity until I spotted a yellow Sally crawling on the boat. If you wanna try this type of dry Fly fishing have confidence, and place your yellow Sally dry in as many places as possible. Most of the time you won’t be casting to rising Trout, rather bringing them up to your Fly with a well placed cast. Fish the same nymphs as my last report with some added Caddis Emergers on the Nymph rig. Yellow Sally dries in #12-16 of various patterns will bring up wild trout in the Lower Owens. For the hatch fish BWO patterns in #16-20 depending on the Baetis you see out. Remember there are 20+ species of Baetis (BWO) alone. Soft Hackles in green, Tickets, and various small Mayfly patterns will most likely be your flies that work.