The cool and flowing dam released waters of Lower Owens River are fish rich. The clear water allows you to see more of the river and fish it has to offer. Brown Trout can be found in any feasible hold area that a Fly angler would expect to fish a weary fish. PMD’s, Caddis, and the occasional terrestrial insect have been the Trouts diet on top the water. PMD’s have been making an appearance mid day on recent cloudy days and lighter during sunny days.. Caddis fishing in late evening it hard to decode which fish to cast too with all the rising fish! We are enjoying the storms passing thru in Bishop for sure. Under the water use various lighter PMD Emergers #16-18, Soft Hackles, some small stone patterns are good to have as an option, and of course, some sort of green Caddis Rock worm imitation is always good to have on the line. On top we have been having amazing success with Stalcups adult Caddis #14-16, thorax PMD’s, Light Cahills, Hendrickson, and various similar PMD patterns all around #16.