The fire did not affect the fishing on the Lower River at all. With that out of the way let’s talk about the fish we have been getting! Like the crew at the Shop has been seeing, many Fly anglers are coming in the shop are reporting respectively larger sized trout when compared to recent years past. It’s been a great start to the year on the Lower Owens. Also, fish have started responding to the Baetis hatch that happens somewhere around 12 to 2 p.m. Which can lead to an amazing day when your there for it. The best thing happening right now though is the amazing size of fish we have been seeing in the Lower. Not your stocked Rainbow trout below the bridges. I’m talking about very nice wild Brown Trout… Lots of free living rock worms, Baetis, stoneflies and Midge larvae can be seen under almost any rock. Fish have been keying in mostly on the Caddis and Baetis with an occasional stonefly and Midge. This can change quickly though! Stay tuned for much more to come!