A few more weeds are still coming up, but the flows are still considerably higher for this time of year. Mid-day the sun beats down and fish are looking up to hoppers – try a hopper or a bugger during these times to mix it up. Ascending Caddis #16-18, Hot Creek Caddis fished wet #18-20, and BD diving caddis #16 will take fish. Very small Pheasant Tails and Trico nymphs and emergers will produce fish when nymphed not far under the surface, try these in #’s 18-22. In the evening a great caddis hatch can come off and have the fish looking topside. A small Elk Hair Caddis will work great as well as; Para Caddis, Hot Creek Caddis, and CDC caddis all in #’s 18-20. Hoppers are really starting to shine here as fish are looking up all day.