Hot Creek is still being fish friendly by maintaining its stream bed covered with weeds! Things will start changing as the temps drop lower every night up here in the Eastern Sierra. Flows continue to be about the same as they have been this summer. Fish are still eating mostly caddis throughout the day .. I have recently seen active caddis in certain parts of the stream throughout the day and intensifying towards the evening and on into the night. Small mays can also be seen coming off in the morning with the fish giving them some attention.. Still a remarkable place to practice our art of fly fishing! For flies try small caddis dries off 6x; Elk Hair Caddis in #18-22, Hemmingway Caddis #18-20 and Partridge Caddis in #18-20 also.. #18-20 Adams, Sprout Baetis and Trico patterns are also good to have along. Hoppers and various attractors (ants and beetles) in #10-14 can also provide an accurate fly angler with action. Nymphs include #18-22 poxy back tricos, PT’s, Hares Ears, WD-40’s, furmiskys epoxy midge and various other similar patterns.. This is the true dream stream when fished properly!