Hot Creek continues to sustain high and clear flows which are very fishable. The high flow is cool runoff water that inhibits the growth of weeds that warmer water temps bring and Hot Creek is known for. Not only is there less weed growth, there is more fishable water to see; more lines, riffles and runs exist at these flows and fish are more than adjusted to the new water level and temperature. Caddis are really starting to make an appearance here, while the adults are not on the water the caddis pupa/emergers are getting devoured below the surface as well as baetis nymphs and emergers and midge emergers. Various caddis pupa in sizes #16-18 (stallcup ascending caddis, sparkle pupa, ect.) are a must have in the Fly Box for Hot Creek. Midge emergers (T-Midge, Poly Wing Emerger) in #’s 18-22 are a great choice for the bottom fly on a nymph system. Bubbleback emergers and baetis patterns in #’s 18-22 have also taken fish in the last few outings. The strongest caddis emergence happens in the evening after sundown. Fish are on the surface and the serious dry fly enthusiast can leave reality for a few hours into a world of nonstop top-water action when the hatch is strong and fish are responding which has been most nights as of late.