The Upper Owens did indeed receive its share of Crowley Lake beasts this year. Coming up a little later this year than usual they are in the entire river system from the bridge up. Hard to hook and land just one of these fish will truly make your day! A walk up stream through some snow will increase your chances of success in this system. There has been some heavy duty 4×4 and vehicles with chains that have been driving it.. even since the last snow. Fish for these trout as if they were steelies… SJ worm patterns, eggs and various other attractors will take these fish. Green caddis worms, and Copper Jons in #14-16 are also suggestions for the Upper Owens at this time. A well placed streamer fished correctly in the dark and deeper holes has also been bringing up some great predatory fish. This is a special time for this river that all anglers that know the Upper Owens look forward to!!