The Upper Owens continues to meander through the high green meadows below the Glass Mountains at a constant rate of around 65 cfs. Just a handful of larger fish have been seen moving up and we expect to see more in the near future! When these big guys roll in the fishing on the Upper turns into something in between trout fishing and Steelheading! As for now there are great catchable numbers of average sized trout for the fly fisherman to pursue. Various patters of Green Caddis worms, some bright green in #16-18 have been one of our main successful patterns recently. Along with Midge emergers #16-18, Small SJ worms, Bubbleback Mayfly emergers and Robo Pheasant Tails #16-20 and other similar patterns. Streamers have been doing great. Get your favorite streamer pattern down deep in the dark spots and you will get takes and see follows… hopefully my next Upper Owens report will have pics of extremely large trout! Stay tuned