The upper Owens continues to produce a great number of 12 to 15 inch fish. Most of the fish are being caught on streamers and nymphs, with pods of rising trout here and there in certain holes of the river. A small caddis hatch comes off throughout the day with heavy responses from the trout near some of the nice foamy holes. These are usually the smaller trout of the river system. Midge Emergers are ever present and fishing a midge emerger pattern # 18-20 on some days will give you great success on the upper Owens. Other flies to try are; Thin SJ worm patterns # 10-14, Robo and Pheasant tails # 16-20, Hares Ears in similar sizes, and various Midge larvae patterns. Hoppers and Beetles #12-16 and EHC patters are also good to have in the Upper Owens collection lately.