Crowley lake is open and already living up to its reputation! Water at this moment is very clear for Crowley with low water levels, yet higher leveles than the closing time last year of mid- November. Fish are healthy, scrappy, and fat and appear to be near their same hidouts as last year. Lots of Perch are also being caught of good size. The Sac Perch always welcome to mix things up with a decent tug for their size. The channels, points, and spring areas will always be the things to look for here, its just which one at what time… Different configurations of Crowley style Chironomids in #10-14 are working well. Blacks and Greys with Gold, Red and Silver wrap combinations are working with various colours of bead heads. The majority of the fish tend to be in around 9-14 feet of water consistently. Crowley will prove to be a great fishery that every angler should try when visiting the Eastern Sierra. Stay tuned for many more surprises from this Eastern Sierra Fishery.