Snow has Melted on the Upper Owens River making it accessible to 4x4 and All wheel drive vehicles. The main road is in great condition.. The feeder roads to the river are the ones you could have probl...
Just received this awesome video of STM guide Seth C. helping a young angler land a Trout of a lifetime. Copy and paste the Dropbox link below!
The entire Gorge is fishing very well! This amazing stream fishes like a classic Creek and is full of wild and eagerly selective fish. A small Baetis hatch comes off around noon while Midges abound al...
The Lower Owens River Fly Fishing is on hold for a little while longer as the river is currently draining all the awesome precipitation we've had recently! Flows are topping 700cfs and the river will...
The Upper Owens River continues to flow at a tea stained flow of 78cfs at the writing of this report. This is the same flow rate as previous reports and not much has changed flow wise other than a...
The Lower Owens River is still up to a runoff flushing flow of around 700+cfs. This is emulating and forecasting the runoff that is happening and is to come. We have spotted Skwalla Americana Stonefli...
The Lower Owens River is experiencing extremely high flows of above 700cfs as of today! We do not fish the river at these flows unless we want to be swept to LA and become part of the system. This wil...