Upper Owens River continues to be an incredible fishery! Running low and clear this is truly a special place in the Eastern Sierra during the cool winter months. Very large specimens of Bows and...
The Lower Owens River is now becoming the dry Fly fishery we all love it for this time of year! A solid Baetis hatch comes out right at lunchtime and fish gorge for a full hour. This makes the d...
The Upper Owens is flowing low and clear and if you come upon a deep hole a horse of a Trout is near! As my little rhyme implies the horses have spread out thru the entire system and the w...
The premiere Wild Brown Trout fishery of California, the Lower Owens River is now fishing like we are used to seeing it in the fall and winter months! Flows are low and clear! Some morning...
The Upper Owens River is flowing clear and low! The water is absolutely gorgeous and the oversized fish are spooky. Throughout the system very Large fish are collecting in various pools, d...
The Lower Owens River has been fishing great! Larger fish appear or be on the prowl, and are consistently being taken. Pods of rising fish can be found in flat foam seams throughout the day in certa...