Hot Creek is higher than we usually see it! Nymphing deep is not something one usually does in this creek, but now, it is possible. 5x instead of 6x and bigger flies can be used. Water is dirtier th...
The flows were recently pushed up to 590cfs on the East Walker which is high water for this fishery. We have still been managing to extract fish from the fast yet clean water. Nymphing deep with...
The East Walker went up and then back down to a fishable level of 268cfs and continues to flow that way now. The fishing was a little slower from the weather fronts this weekend but we have still...
The local creeks are still in pretty much pre runoff stage with some nice fish being taken from Bishop to Mammoth. Medium - Large attractor nymphs such as; Purple Prince Nymphs #16-18, Prince Nymph...
Hot Creek is flowing slightly off colour and is fishy as usual. Flows are up a little but perfect for fly fishing. A mixture of caddis and BWO's seem to be coming off late morning - early afternoon....
Flowing at 90 cfs not much has changed on the Upper Owens. In the last few days, along with Hot Creek, it has been pelted with a blizzard at one moment and then sunny the next moment. Besides that, f...
Although flows are down to a still high rate of 390 cfs the Bishop bound fly fisherman can still manage to catch fish most of the day on certain parts of the Lower Owens. Dry fly action has been note...
The Upper Owens is still running at a low flow of around 70cfs. At this flow it is very easy to get around to the larger holes where you can still find some big trout. Trout seem to be throughout th...
Back down to a very fishy flow of 230cfs the East Walker is showing us what it is capable of.. Big Trout! .. Fish are out and about and ready to eat the properly presented pattern. Snow is mostly all...
Hot Creek, of course, is fishing great with great fish and a satisfying fishing experience being delivered as usual.. The gate is open and acess is back to usual status. From what we have seen and ha...