Eastern Sierra Fishing

Eastern Sierra Fishing Update. Smoke status – 9.17.20

A fair amount of Fly Anglers have been calling the shop and asking what is actually open for fishing due to the temporary closures and the smoke. For the last couple of days we have seen A good amount of smoke settled in that has not moved much and seems to be lingering in the valley, it’s not awful but annoying. We expect it to move around any day now. It is a nuisance but not a fishing game-changer, you cannot see the mountains but the fishing is still unaffected and very good with the filtered sun.
All the usual Fisheries are open except for the ones in the closed national forest. We still have:

  • Lower Owens River
    -Upper Owens River
    -Crowley Lake,
    -Pleasant Valley Reservoir and mid river
    -The Gorge
    -East Walker
  • Bishop Creek
    So yes, there is smoke, but if you really want to get out and fish it is not stopping you! We have been running scheduled guided trips as normal. Give the shop a call for more info 760-873-0010 or text 661 364 6981.
  • Check us out on Instagram for more amazing photos and up to date content @stm_fly_fishing
  • Sierra Trout Magnet Fly Shop and Guide Service on Facebook
Crowley Lake Fly Fishing

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes, CA – 9.12.20

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing near Mammoth Lakes has been as good as we can remember. Never the exact same, but great. Size and variety of fish are unmatched. Lahonton Cutthroats, masculine Browns, and absolute HOG Rainbows are what you can expect here. Fish are now being located and caught in anywhere from 6′ to 30′ of water. Most anglers appreciate the shallower depths for casting, some have been rewarded for going deeper. Perch Fry, Damsels and Chironomids have been on our lines taking fish recently. Some algae is forming in some areas of the lake and changes daily due to wind and weather. The lake continues to drop slowly as the LADWP flows water down the hill. We imagine this should come to an end relatively soon. All spots seem to have their moments from the North Arm, around to Macgee, back to Hilton and even Crooked. Well defined weed lines are great places to get started and possibly hook the trout of a lifetime!

  • Check us out on Instagram for more amazing photos and up to date content @stm_fly_fishing
  • Sierra Trout Magnet Fly Shop and Guide Service on Facebook

rainbow trout llaying in the water on the Upper Owens near Mammoth Lakes California

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes, CA – 10.7.19

The Upper Owens has undergone a few changes since my last report. Weather has changed in the direction of winter, dropping the temperatures around the Mammoth Lakes area extending down to the grassy plains of the Upper Owens River. Hoppers can still be seen, but numbers are diminishing during the coldness of the nights. However, after eating the leggy creatures for a solid few months it seems that they still hold some residual memory of the big insects. The Upper Owens trout will still come up and eat a hopper for the time being, during the warmer parts of the day. Some of the anticipated big boys coming out of the lake have been spotted in the deeper holes of the river. We will have to see what this year holds as these this spectacular run of fish swims up the Upper Owens from Crowley Lake from now and forward. Stay tuned!

California Fly Fish Guide

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes, CA – 9.3.19

Typically, in the west, we see some of the biggest fish come out to feed before winter conditions arrive. That means the next two months on Crowley Lake! Already the amazing fishery nestled in between the mountains of Long Valley, just below Mammoth Lakes, has shown us some amazing Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, and Lahonton Cutthroats just these past couple of weeks. McGee bay and the north end of the Lake are where the action has mostly been happening. 10-20′ of water has typically been where the fish have been found throughout this season. Typical patterns have been taking fish; Chironomids, Perch Fry, streamers ect… Look for the fish to move around and spread out as the overall water temperature of Lake starts to cool down and fish are able to head out and seek out some food. Call the shop for more information and to get in on this amazing fall fishery in out brand new Mako 19′ CPX!

Couple Fly Fishing

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing Report : Mammth lakes, CA – 5.28.19

The legendary fly fishing of Crowley Lake near Mammoth Lakes California has been going on with a bang this May! Of course, a few slow days followed by some on fire ,0-100mph hook up days have happened these last few weeks. Fish have been found all around the lake to the North End of Crowley at around 16-20ft of water at this time. The normal Crowley flies have been very successful. A stomach pump recently revealed black/grey/white midges in sizes around #14-18 with some possible larger members being seen. All three species of fish (Brown Trout, Cutthroats, and Rainbow Trout) as well as perch have been coming to our nets. Making for a great start to our Crowley season!

This young man and his father had an unforgettable day on Crowley recently!
Mike B. Is now a Crowley believer!
Crowley Lake Fly Fishing Report

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing Report – Mammoth Lakes, CA – 4.5.19

Opening at the end of the month the Legendary Crowley Lake will show us what it has in mind for us this year… After the water years recently we can all imagine what large and aggressive Trout roams the chironomid infested waters; Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Lahonton Cutthroat and some feisty Cuttbows. If they were as big as humans, we would fear them….. I will include a few pictures of the recent past just to jog your memories of what is to come in a matter of weeks. Call the shop for more questions or to book on trip on our special Crowley Boat! 760-873-0010

Crowley Lake – Where you can find a fish of a lifetime!

Mammoth Fly Fishing Report : Crowley Lake Tribs – June 7, 2010

High water has finally hit the Eastern Sierra and that allows fish in certain places where they otherwise do not go. This usually means large lake fish go up flowing streams and creeks to seek out new food sources and spawn the next generation of beautiful fish. We happened to catch some of these waters on the way up and found some of the fish that had recently moved in. Healthy with pointy fins and white tips on all sides these fish are on fire once hooked with 4 and 5wt fly rods! This should only get better as fish use the added water flow rate to make their move upstream. Three species of trout are known to make this run. Flashy Bright nymphs and such as larger Trigger Nymphs #16-18, Robo Pt’s #16-18 and tubifex worm patterns are aggressively being eaten. .. Crowley Lake Tributaries

Mammoth Fly Fishing : Upper Owens River – June 2, 2010

The Upper Owens lies about 35 minutes north of Bishop just short of Mammoth. As stated before a few fish seem to be arriving every day, some are very big fish! Some anglers are doing well and some come back with fishermans tales of the big one that got away. With this weather the flows have increased some 30% in the past two days possibly allowing for some numbers of trout to roll up the Upper Owens from the famous trout infested Crowley lake. For bugs try; Prince Nymphs, Robo Pheasant Tails, Pheastant Tails, and Copper Johns in #’s 16-18 Ice Cream Cone Midges and Chironocones in red, olive and black and in #’s 18-20 are also prime bug choices. Large streamers fished correctly by undercut banks can also bring out the meat! Fish your favorite streamer and get it down to them! I will be on the Upper Owens in the next couple of days and I will update here if things drastically change.

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