fishing owens river bishop

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop, CA – 2.7.23

The Lower Owens patiently flows right outside of Bishop, California with an abundance of bends, runs, riffles and drop offs, this river is the jewel of the Eastern Sierra for fly anglers and photographers alike. Water temps are roughly between 39-42 degrees depending of time of day and location tested. Flows have bumped since the last storms up to around 130cfs of cool sierra water even though the LADWP guage shows 3000+cfs. The colder, long period of weather has made it a little tougher to get out there and have those double-digit days. But the lovely picturesque trout of the Lower Owens can still be caught by the diligent and patient angler. Small pods of rising fish are noted throughout the system, eating midges and small beatis, these fish have been appearing without rhyme or reason in any section of the river. The only answer to this is to be out there on the banks of the river mid-day while keeping keeping an eye out for slower moving foam lined water. Smaller nymphs have been doing the trick, not too small as some people believe, sizes of flies in the #16 -20 range are as small as we need to go. Caddis on the bigger side and baetis and midges smaller. Some slightly warmer weather will definitely move some fish around and stir up the bug life as well as the appetites of the resident trout of the Lower Owens River.

Call the STM Fly Shop in Bishop CA at 760.873.0010 or text 661.364.6981 for more details or to book a guided tour.

@stm_fly_fishing on Instagram

Bishop fly fishing guide

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes, CA – 1.8.23

The Upper Owens flows through Long Valley caldera right below the famous resort town of Mammoth Lakes, California. This time of year it can show those anglers that are so fortunate to arrive on her snowy banks the fly fishing experience of a lifetime! To make a long story short, a number of storms have hit the Long Valley and Upper Owens areas the last couple of weeks, with the storms happening it gives the big trout a signal to head up the Upper Owens up and out of Crowley Lake. This makes the snowy journey for the angler arriving to the Upper Owens more worthwhile than the previous month, thus making a great start to the fishing season of 2023! The only downside to this is the amount of snow can make access a bit tricky. Access is limited to snow shoes and snowmobiles, or the angler that is willing to post-hole his way up the river in the deep snow. Of course, these fish come up to spawn future generations of our beloved creatures so we make sure not to ever cast to any fish that are obviously sitting over a spawning red in shallow water. Find your quarry in the deepest and darkest parts of the river system, these are the ones that are fair game and ready to eat a fly! Below the bridge is closed, so make sure you head upstream with the proper flies to have success on the Upper O. Give us a call as we have the means to get you upstream to show the experience of a lifetime on this unique fishery. As long as not too much snow falls!

Give us a call at our Bishop Fly Shop location at 760-873-0010 or text 661-364-6981 for more details or to book fly fishing adventure. We can accommodate small groups or personal fly fishing adventures. Give us a call!

@stm_fly_fishing on instagram

large brown trout held above the water of the Upper Owens.

Lower Owens Fishing Report : Bishop, CA – 12.14.22

Bishops dream stream, the Lower Owens River continues to be the go-to river for the traditional fly fisherman here in the Eastern Sierra of Californa. Continuing to flow at its low winter rate of around 80-90 cubic feet per second the Lower Owens water is very clear and at its most accessible point of the year which makes it very easy to enter and wade. Water temperatures are around 40 degrees and fish are feeding well! The Mayfly hatch continues to happen more or less around noon causing extreme elation to the dedicated fly fisherman. This hatch of BWO insects can vary depending on the weather that each day presents. The hatch can prompt trout of the Lower Owens to rise throughout the entire river or only in certain bends or slow foam lines. River access is good and the banks of the river have dried up nicely after the rain this past weekend. Crowds have been minimal and upon choosing the right spots we have the river to ourselves most days. Nymphing correctly with or without and indicator (euro style) can be very successful when time is allocated properly in the correct parts of the Lower Owens River. Mayflies and Midges seem to be the majority of whats on the feed list for the wild fish of the Lower O. Fish these patterns in nymph form before the hatch and switch over when you see trout breaking the surface for the adult mayflies. Sizes #14 -#18 will cover most situation for both the mayflies and midges at this time.

Call the STM Fly Shop in Bishop, California at 760-873-0010 or text 661-364-6981 to book a guided tour or for more information

@stm_fly_fishing on instagram

Beautiful tail and fins of a brown trout over the lower owens river

Lower Owens River Fishing Reports : Bishop, CA – 4.5.2021

The Lower Owens River just outside of Bishop, CA has been more or less fishing great since my last report, not much changed. Flows have remained at the very low 80 cfs level… until now! We have a movement of up to 100 cfs of perfect sierra water to allow a larger volume of food to flow down to our scaly and wild friends. Wading remains very comfortable and pleasant. In the past few days our little buddies the Yellow Sallie Stoneflies have been spotted climbing around the banks and flying over the river. This movement allows us to step up the size of our offerings as well as looking for even more splashy surface eating habits as these larger insects enter the water. We are still witnessing Caddis and Mayfly action throughout the day in the usual parts of the river in the early afternoon and beyond. Euro style, Tenkara, and good old indicator style fishing is super effective as usual. Reading the water is key as success is determined by time appropriation and where you choose to present your nymphs.

Call or text the the STM Fly Shop @ 661 364 6981 for more information or to book a guided trip.

@stm_fly_fishing on instagram

@sierratroutmagnet on Facebook

The STM fly shop staff

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop, CA – 1.19.21

Last weeks weather casted some lovely weather on the Lower Owens River in the shadow of Mt. Tom, right outside of Bishop, CA. This week we see more typical seasonal style weather with the fish continuing to fill their pretty little stomachs with the local menu ; Midges, Caddis, and Mayflies. The flows are still low and river access is at an all time high. The Brown Trout are as healthy and beautiful as you can find along the 41th parallel. Dry fly action is noted when the sun is highest in the Eastern Sierra sky, although not river-wide, look to the larger and deeper pools to spot some noses piercing the surface as they consume small mayflies and midge adults.

Call the STM Fly Shop @ 760-873-0010 for more details.

Visit us on instagram @stm_fly_fishing for even more current visuals and information.

@sierratroutmagnet on Facebook.

fly fishing guide

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop, CA – 11.24.19

The Lower Owens River has been running along the Owens Valley floor at a low winter rate of around 85cfs. Fishing has been satisfying to every skilled angler willing to get in and cast a fly out. Nymphing is stellar, and the Mayfly hatch comes out mid-day, usually during the noon hour. Since we are gentle fly fishers, we don’t throw out stink bait with a giant treble hook so we must read the water correctly, especially when it is this low. Spooking of fish happens frequently. If you can see them they have already most likely seen you, unless they are not trout. We look forward to the dry fly action to ramp up as the season draws in.

Call the Shop at 760-873-0010 or text 661-364-6981 for more info.

@stm_fly_fishing on instagram

Upper Owens River

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes, CA – 9.14.20

The legend of a fly fishing stream, flowing just below Mammoth Lakes, the Upper Owens River continues to fish with consistency throughout the entire system. All sizes of fish have been spotted, hooked, and caught. Streamers and nymphs in the cooler mornings, while continuing on with the terrestrials (hoppers) in the warmer afternoon seems to be the way to a satisfying experience in the Upper Owens River on these smokey days in the first part of September .

  • Check us out on Instagram for more amazing photos and up to date content @stm_fly_fishing
  • Sierra Trout Magnet Fly Shop and Guide Service on Facebook
Father and Son pose with a trout over the Upper Owens River near Mammoth Lakes California

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes CA – 1.13.20

Up the grade, near Mammoth Lakes California, the fabulous fly fishing water of the Upper Owens river steadily flow along the Long Valley flat. Like stated in my our last report, and the report before that, very large Trout inhabit its sacred sierra waters these times of year! Predators! The hook-ups here have been nothing short of pure exhilaration with the average fish over 20″. The Upper Owens is closed below the Benton Crossing bridge. Yet above the bridge in pretty much every dark hole, deep run and riffle, and dark undercut banks, the vigilant and determined Fly Angler can hook himself up to an unforgettable trout. Crowds have been coming and going, mostly there has not been many people out there. Arriving early, even though it is cold, can sometimes make a big difference. Fish are widespread throughout the system. No place is better than the next necessarily, it is up to each fly fisherman to decide when and where to appropriate their time on each hole on the river. High Sticking, Indicator Nymphing, Euro, and possibly even Tenkara. Pick your craft and come let the Upper Owens just up the hill from Bishop California give you a shot at her trophy trout! Call the shop for more info @ (760)920-2747 or email [email protected]

Man holds a large brightly striped Rainbow Trout over the water
This is why we Fly Fish on the Upper Owens throughout the winter – 2020.
gift certificate for a guided fly fishing trip

Guided Fly Fishing and Shop Gift Certificates for 2019

A quick and easy great gift idea for someone who really needs to get out on the water for some qualtiy fly fishing time this coming season! Certificates are delivered electronically upon paymet to be printed out and gifted to the Fly Angler in your life. Contact the shop for more info at (760) 873-0010 or email [email protected]

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