East Walker river fly fishing

East Walker Fly Fishing Report : Bridgeport, CA – 10.10.23

The Bridgeport area East Walker River fishing report is finally worth taking a look at. Flows have settled down from 1000+ cubic feet per second discharge a few months ago to a new October 2023 flow of 207 cubic feet per second. Fishing on the East Walker has been picking up to a good status with the chance of a trophy trout still in the cards. These appropriate flows, along with recent solid fishing, and legendary river status, bring crowds of anglers from the Tahoe areas, as well as the usual traffic from the Mammoth and Bishop side. The East Walker can be crowded at times. The flows are ideal for the fish and angler alike. Adequate flows allow the fish to roam freely allowing them to thrive and consume the protein the East Walker is known to produce. Large streamers patterns are always on the true East Walker anglers mind; Crawdad patterns, Zonker type rabbit strip streamers, and Clouser Minnows are only a few suggestions. Small midge, caddis, and mayfly patterns will always take fish here when fished appropriately. Don’t be afraid of trying larger nymph patterns here as well! The East Walker has about one month left of being open. We could see some amazing fish coming from her Nevada destined waters in that time.

Call or text the STM Fly Shop in Bishop, CA at 760.873.0010 for more details or to book a guided trip on this amazing water.


@stm_fly_fishing on instagram

Upper Owens River fly fishing !

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing : Mammoth Lakes CA – 9.22.23

The Upper Owens River fly fishing report is getting better and better as flows are now down to a manageable 75 cubic feet a second. Below the Hot Creek confluence we are looking more at around 100 cubic feet a second. Water is clearing up nicely and as usual, above Hot Creek one can find some clearer and lower water conditions depending on the weather and recent storm activity.

Hatches are coming off here and there with Caddis and Baetis (Blue Winged Olive) patterns being the staple dries in the Upper Owens River box. These are usually isolated events at this point, nevertheless its always worthwhile to be ready for some surface activity.

As the nights get cooler with the onset of fall water temps lowering we will see the large trout we all dream of making their way up from Crowley Lake. Streamers of all sorts will be a very good option at this point and are actually not fished enough on the Upper Owens, as most fly anglers opt for spawning style patterns fished below an indicator that the fish see often.

Not extremely flashy but solid Wooly Buggers, Rabbit strip style streamers, Sculpins, and Zonker patterns are all styles of streamers that will take fish on this piece of water. As for nymphs we will be fishing various types of San Juan Worms, Peridons, Pheasant Tails, Prince nymphs, and various patterns we tie here in the shop.

We always are happily anticipating this time of year as its hard to find a river this small with such large fish anywhere in the realm of trout fishing. We are definitely extremely lucky to have this quality fishery right here in the Eastern Sierra just over 30 minutes from the STM Fly Shop.

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop CA – 9.17.23

The Owens fly fishing report on the Lower Owens River just outside the outdoor town has been shaping up very nicely. The high flows this summer have done no damage to the river leaving it in great condition with great fish numbers. The entire system seems to be fishing well even though the water was recently raised back up to around 400 CFS. We don’t look for this to last long as cooler temperatures are coming in the High Country to freeze everything up and subsequently drop the flows to a slightly more comfortable fishing level. More rainbows have been noted near the dam, as you go downriver you find yourself in complete wild brown trout territory with random rainbows coming to the net here and there. As always this river is extremely easy to access and wading is always a pleasure. As usual Dry Fly action is noted here and there but is not river wide or any specific time. Euro style high stick nymphing or good old indicator nymphing absolutely guarantees the extra experienced fly anglers wild fish on the end of the line. We look for this fishery to improve dramatically in a very short time. We will also reap the benefits of the amazing flows that nature granted us this year.

call or text the STM Fly Shop in Bishop at 760.873.0010 for more details or to book a guided tour for individuals or groups.


@stm_fly_fishing on Instagram

Lower Owens River Fishing Report
Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing

Upper Owens Fly Fishing report : Mammoth Lakes CA – 7.25.23

Mammoth Lakes sits just above the fly fishing legend of a river, the Upper Owens. The vast volcanic field surrounding the Upper Owens has grown some reasonably tall grass with the heat and wet field, resulting in various shades of yellows and greens for the time being. The Upper Owens Riverbed is wide enough for this not to be a casting issue for the fly angler. Flows are substantially higher above Hot Creek confluence. Check out this LADWP link https://wsoweb.ladwp.com/Aqueduct/realtime/lvrealtime.htm Of course water will be much clearer and more manageable above the Confluence at this time, as you can see the flows are almost double below. We haven’t quite seen the hopper population burst out of control yet like we are wishing for, but we are still hopeful that this is going to happen. As for now, fish it with attractor nymphs, lots of attractor dry fly patterns, and a variety of streamers. Hatches are inconsistent but can pop up in any part of the river with no rhyme or reason. Crowds have not been an issue as of late and some days we will not see a soul for an hour or two. Water Clarity is improving and we appear to be on the downside of the severe runoff.

Call or text the STM Fly Shop in Bishop at 760.873.0010 for more details or to book a guided tour.

Crowley lake Fly Fishing angler holds a large fish over the boat on Crowley Lake

Crowley Lake Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth, California – 5.25.23

Crowley Lake fly fishing report for the famous Crowley Lake, just down the hill from Mammoth, CA has started off its season doing what it does best ; producing large and hard fighting trout! Browns, rainbows, and cutthroat are all on the menu on Crowley lake. Water elevation is still on the lower side as the LADWP is planning on massive runoff once temperatures sustain the 90’s to 100 degree zone. The trout have been pretty spread out from Hilton by to Six bays while fishing depths have been between 10-20′ deep. Of course , moving around the lake is key to finding a batch of will fish to make a successful day, on the other hand we have dropped anchor and not had to move all day whilst landing a variety of trout all day long. All sorts of flies have been bringing fish to the net, some larger sizes, and some smaller. Balanced leeches, buggers, and chironomids is sizes #12-16 have been successful for the start of the 2023 season.

Call the STM Fly Shop at 760-873-0010 or text 661-364-6981 for more details or to book a guided tour for individuals or groups.


Mammoth Lake Fishing

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes, CA – 5.23.23

The Upper Owens River fly fishing report has changed a good amount since last time. Between here and Mammoth Lakes the snow has melted and created sloppy, and muddy conditions which have taken over the area as expected. Be very careful if you drive in there for an exploratory fishing trip. Flows are high, as in around 100cfs of semi dirty water. As usual the confluence below Hot Creek gives us the dirtier water as Hot Creek spews in sediment and mud from the field is crosses to arrive at the Upper O. The famed cutthroat trout seem to have not have entered the Upper Owens system quite yet. There is still some large lingering rainbows here in there that are either staying for a while or on their way back to Crowley lake. www.sierratroutmagnet.com

Give us a call @760-873-0010 or text 661-364-6981 for more info or to book a private guided trip for individuals or groups .


Upper Owens river near Mammoth Lakes California lined with snow

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing : Mammoth Lakes CA – 4.11.23

The Upper Owens had been closed with a sign right at the intersection of 395 for most of the month of March. As of a few days ago the sign was moved down to within a mile of the Benton Crossing Bridge a few days ago. Snow is still at a see it to believe it level with the tops of the fence posts hardly visible through the top layer of snow. Access is possible with a good walk in or a difficult snowmobile ride. We expect this to change soon as temperatures are rising and snow will be melting very soon. Historically this time of year we see some Mayfly action even though the banks are snow covered. Small Baetis will start to appear on the edges of the river and stick out like a June bug in buttermilk against the white snowy banks. The large trout of the river can respond to these bugs on the surface in certain areas of the river. But, we know that they are definitely eating the nymphs under the waters surface!

Upper Owens River Rainbow. Mammoth Lakes California
Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop, CA – 2.24.23

The Lower Owens River fly fishing report is not exactly quite what it was at this time last year. Fishing was just starting to heat up just a few days ago, then a quick storm system decided to swoop down and turn us into a world of white here in Bishop. The Eastern Sierra is getting pounded with snow and wind as we speak.

Even though the LADWP gauge shows over 3000 cfs of river flow, the actual number is much lower than this. Although still a good flow the river was very recently turned up to the high 200’s in flow pushing the total volume up in the wild trout section to an estimated 275 cfs up in the wild trout section of the river. At these flows the Lower Owens River is still a very fishy place and wading is still very possible when correct entrance and crossing points are accessed.

The wild trout of the LO prefer these flows as the volume of food that flows down compared to a lower river volume is much higher. This current volume also provides the fish with many different types and options of comfortable holding water. This spreads their population out more while letting them relax a little as all the trout are not now only found in the largest and deepest holes of the river.

At these lower temperatures we see mostly Midge and Mayfly aquatic insects on the move during the winter periods of the Lower Owens River. Indicator nymph rigs and euro style nymph rigs are both very effective in this current state of the river. Water clarity is 90%, flashier patterns and a small direct representation of a midge or mayfly function well as a combination. We recommend 4 and 5x leader and tippet which works well most of the time on the LO. Both of these techniques work well when you are fishing a Euro or Indicator setup. A small amount of dry fly action was happening before today hit. Midges and Baetis patterns were being consumed on the surface in slower running sections of the river. Sometime in the middle part of next week we look for surface activity to resume. Stay tuned for more to come as this amazing year rolls out in front of us


Call or text the STM Fly Shop in Bishop, CA for more information or to book a guided trip 760.873.0010 or text 661.364.6981 for more details.

@stm_fly_fishing on instagram

fishing owens river bishop

Lower Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Bishop, CA – 2.7.23

The Lower Owens patiently flows right outside of Bishop, California with an abundance of bends, runs, riffles and drop offs, this river is the jewel of the Eastern Sierra for fly anglers and photographers alike. Water temps are roughly between 39-42 degrees depending of time of day and location tested. Flows have bumped since the last storms up to around 130cfs of cool sierra water even though the LADWP guage shows 3000+cfs. The colder, long period of weather has made it a little tougher to get out there and have those double-digit days. But the lovely picturesque trout of the Lower Owens can still be caught by the diligent and patient angler. Small pods of rising fish are noted throughout the system, eating midges and small beatis, these fish have been appearing without rhyme or reason in any section of the river. The only answer to this is to be out there on the banks of the river mid-day while keeping keeping an eye out for slower moving foam lined water. Smaller nymphs have been doing the trick, not too small as some people believe, sizes of flies in the #16 -20 range are as small as we need to go. Caddis on the bigger side and baetis and midges smaller. Some slightly warmer weather will definitely move some fish around and stir up the bug life as well as the appetites of the resident trout of the Lower Owens River.

Call the STM Fly Shop in Bishop CA at 760.873.0010 or text 661.364.6981 for more details or to book a guided tour.


@stm_fly_fishing on Instagram

Bishop fly fishing guide

Upper Owens River Fly Fishing Report : Mammoth Lakes, CA – 1.8.23

The Upper Owens flows through Long Valley caldera right below the famous resort town of Mammoth Lakes, California. This time of year it can show those anglers that are so fortunate to arrive on her snowy banks the fly fishing experience of a lifetime! To make a long story short, a number of storms have hit the Long Valley and Upper Owens areas the last couple of weeks, with the storms happening it gives the big trout a signal to head up the Upper Owens up and out of Crowley Lake. This makes the snowy journey for the angler arriving to the Upper Owens more worthwhile than the previous month, thus making a great start to the fishing season of 2023! The only downside to this is the amount of snow can make access a bit tricky. Access is limited to snow shoes and snowmobiles, or the angler that is willing to post-hole his way up the river in the deep snow. Of course, these fish come up to spawn future generations of our beloved creatures so we make sure not to ever cast to any fish that are obviously sitting over a spawning red in shallow water. Find your quarry in the deepest and darkest parts of the river system, these are the ones that are fair game and ready to eat a fly! Below the bridge is closed, so make sure you head upstream with the proper flies to have success on the Upper O. Give us a call as we have the means to get you upstream to show the experience of a lifetime on this unique fishery. As long as not too much snow falls!

Give us a call at our Bishop Fly Shop location at 760-873-0010 or text 661-364-6981 for more details or to book fly fishing adventure. We can accommodate small groups or personal fly fishing adventures. Give us a call!


@stm_fly_fishing on instagram

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