The Upper Owens River continues to flow at a tea stained flow of 78cfs at the writing of this report. This is the same flow rate as previous reports and not much has changed flow wise other than a slightly stronger tint to the water. What has changed is the snow levels… although you can not drive in yet, its getting close to the time we can. Standing water is collecting on the fields of the Upper Owens and snow is soft when the sun gets high and warms the area. Arriving up river is easy in the morning while the snow is frozen solid from the night before, as the sun rises it tends to get a little more difficult as it becomes more like a slushee hike around high noon. Fishing remains around the same as my last report as you can see if you’ve been following my videos. Attractor patterns with SJ worms and sometimes eggs on hook sizes #8-18. Some underwater Midge and Baetis eating has been going on by the big Trout of the Uppers system… Try the smaller midge/baetis patterns under a larger one on slower days in the clearer water sections. Streamers as usual, when fished correctly will take large trout. Fish them hard and stick with them to have success!