The Upper Owens is showing 60cfs (cubic feet/second) of water flow on LADWP’s website. Fishing has been going along very consistently on the Upper Owens just outside of Mammoth Lakes. Small top-water bugs can be found early in the day and with many Midges, Caddis and Mayflies tapping the surface of the water provoking a decent response from the resident trout of the Upper. These small aquatic insects seem to be in the #16-20 size range and a variety of patterns presented correctly will work. Don’t expect the bigger fish to give you much attention while fishing these small dries, you will have to nymph or pull a streamer for that until the hopper season arrives. We are keeping out fingers crossed the hoppers have not got burnt out this year! Standard nymphs such as; Peridons, Pheasant Tails, Midge Pupae patterns and Caddis Worms will all take fish when you sink them deep in the dark holes. Streamers? yes but fish them a bit smaller than winter time and cover a lot of water. Most wooly buggers and rabbit type streamers in a #8-12 will work fine for this type of fishing. Stay tuned for a possible hopper season. Last year the fish put on a good share of their yearly bulk while feasting on these jumpy creatures.
Call or text the STM Fly Shop in Bishop for more details 661 364 6981
@stm_fly_fishing on instagram for good examples of the fish we catch near Bishop and Mammoth
@sierratroutmagnet on Facebook