Just a few steps down the mountain from Mammoth Lakes, California, the Upper Owens River has reached its yearly apex as the trophy trout from Crowley Lake make their way upstream. Spending energy in order to throw a broadcast spawn to the fittest female trout around and continue their legacies. Water is low and clear at 80cfs give or take a few. Fish have been migrating into the Upper Owens since early October this year. Without any more major storms to bump up the flows the water remains clear and low. This, of course, makes it very difficult to find and effectively fish to these big bad dudes without them sensing your presence. Pressure can be good or bad on any given day, lots of people are stopping to fish around the bridge so make a decision from there. Access is limited to a snowy wonderland as some are taking snowmobiles in, some drive in a short way and then walk. Although there is some dry fly action on the Upper Owens it will usually limit you to the smaller fish in the river. Nymphs and streamers will get you down to offer something worthwhile to these jumbo sized trout. Various attractor, and more natural nymph and streamer patterns placed correctly by the cautious angler can result in the trout of the year! Stay tuned for more updated details as more storms are forecasted later in the week which could turn conditions in a different direction.